How to lose weight in 1 week without nerves and diets — 5 simple and working ways
Categories: Healthy lifestyle
PictolicEating extra pounds is easy, but getting rid of them is difficult. And it may take many months, or even years. Years of proper nutrition, physical activity and hard work on yourself! It is for this reason that it is so difficult for many who want to lose weight to start this difficult path…
We want to share with you five simple and effective ways that will allow you to get rid of the first extra centimeters in one week! And all this without strict diets and hunger strikes. The main thing is to follow all the rules listed below.
Getting on the path of the right way of life, first of all it is necessary to get rid of all the "wrong". There are products that should be completely excluded from the diet, without any indulgences. Food waste includes alcohol, fast food, snacks, chips, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate bars, sweets, sausages, sauces, canned food ... In a word, everything that does not bring any benefit to the body and has an unnatural composition.
If it is very difficult to give up sweets, try replacing harmful products with their useful analogues: milk chocolate with black, potato chips with apple, sweet soda with natural juices, etc.
Making a menu for a week / month is not only convenient, but also contributes to weight loss. Knowing in advance what and when you need to cook, you will not buy anything extra, thereby replenishing the body with unwanted calories. It is best to make a menu taking into account the individual balance of BZHU and calorie deficit. A nutritionist will help you calculate this data, but you can do it yourself.
Calorie deficit is a condition in which the body consumes fewer calories than it spends during the day. Find out approximately how many calories you spend per day (calorie consumption calculator can be easily found online) and make a menu with a lower calorie content (minus 10-15%). Do not forget to observe the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. How many of these nutrients your body needs can also be calculated on the Internet.
Water is a very important component of a proper lifestyle. If a person does not consume enough water, he risks dehydration, digestive problems, metabolic disorders, deterioration of brain function, obesity and even thrombosis. In a word, it is very important to observe the water balance! And it is important to drink water, not just liquid — coffee, tea and other drinks.
On average, a person needs about 35 ml of water per day per 1 kg of body weight. Thus, if your weight is 70 kg, it is recommended to consume at least 2.4 liters of water. But other factors must also be taken into account: activity level, age, individual contraindications. Too much water is harmful to health almost as much as its lack. Therefore, do not overdo it, but do not forget about the water at all.
Losing weight without physical activity is much more difficult, especially if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. But this does not mean that on the very first day of the start of a healthy lifestyle, you need to run a marathon or go to lift weights in the gym. It is enough to add at least some activity to life - daily walks, exercises, stretching or yoga, squats during the day…
This will help the body spend more calories, respectively, so you will achieve a deficit faster. In addition, physical activity is useful not only for weight loss, but also for health in general. It has long been proven that a sedentary lifestyle is fraught with serious problems with the body. And even if you spend most of the day in the office at the computer, there are ways to minimize the harm from such a pastime. We wrote about them earlier.
No matter how corny it may sound, but you just have to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Ideally, every meal should start with vegetables. The fact is that the fiber contained in them helps to reduce the level of glucose in the blood. Also, vegetables eaten on an empty stomach have a positive effect on the digestive glands, improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and help normalize the intestinal microflora.
Fruits are perfect for a snack and can replace harmful sweets. In addition, such products are very rich in vitamins and minerals, which will have a positive effect on the whole body.
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