How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

The founder of the project "Healthy moms" Rhian Allen (Rhian Allen) spoke about why many people can't lose weight. The calorie content of dishes largely depends on the size of the portion and such goodies as ravioli, schnitzel, burger and pizza can be eaten on a diet.

Rian is sure that by reducing portions of specific products, you can lose weight with a regular diet without tormenting the body with restrictions. Do you want to find out how you can lose weight without denying yourself a burger?

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways Source: Daily Mail

When the question of diet arises, those who eat small portions often have a more attractive physique.

Small changes in the diet can really significantly affect the figure and help get rid of extra pounds.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

The founder of the Healthy Moms program from Sydney, Rian Allen, has published several photos in which she clearly shows the difference in the calorie content of the same dishes.

The lack of progress in the fight against excess weight may be due to the size of portions.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

First of all, Ryan showed how the calorie content of a portion of chicken schnitzel with sweet potatoes can easily grow from 356 kcal. to 623 kcal.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

Next, Ryan compared creamy ravioli with bacon and mushrooms. The calorie content of one serving should be 328 kcal., but with minor changes, this figure has increased to 797.

As a result, the calorie content of the dinner doubled.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

A Greek burger with beef patty may well be part of a healthy diet, for this its calorie content should be 387 kcal.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

In the photo – Mexican lasagna. The calorie content of a serving can be 505 or 932 kcal.

A more high-calorie version of the dish contains more beans and minced meat, and Ryan replaced the low-fat sauce with fat sour cream, not forgetting about cheese.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

As for pizza, its calorie content will decrease by almost half if you use a pita base, and not a flatbread from the supermarket.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

Choosing black, not milk chocolate, and avoiding chia seeds will make cherry cakes more dietary.

How to lose weight from regular food? The blogger told how the same dishes affect the body in different ways

Finally, Ryan analyzed the creamy mango and passion fruit ice cream. The calorie content of the dish can be reduced from 217 kcal to 83. For a more dietary version of the dish, you need to replace fatty condensed cream with almond milk, yogurt with tofu, and add less maple syrup.

In addition, the blogger commented on "ineffective" diets:

Keywords: Delicious | Calories | Excess weight | Nutrition | Weight loss | Diet

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