How to eat with a cold to recover faster

We believe that proper nutrition for colds is a plentiful hot drink, chicken broth and fruit. But doctors can name many more products that help to recover. They also know dishes that are contraindicated for patients, as they only worsen their condition. We will tell you about what foods you can and should eat, and which it is better to forget about until recovery.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

The fact that during the illness it is worth giving up desserts, doctors knew even in The Middle Ages. At that time, it was believed that evil spirits liked sweet things that caused illnesses and that the patient would recover sooner, on the contrary, spicy and sour dishes were prescribed. It must be said that medieval healers were not far from the truth, since it has already become clear today that the bacteria that cause inflammation of the nasopharynx feel better in a sweet environment.

Sugar promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and therefore aggravates the patient's condition. If you have a cold, you should give up chocolate, chewing gum and much more. Even advertised cough drops should be treated with caution. They may soften the throat, stopping coughing, but at the same time they contain a lot of glucose, which is nutritious for bacteria.

Scientists do not recommend using sugar substitutes, as they can cause headaches. For a person who is already feeling unwell, this will definitely be superfluous. Well, sweet, regardless of its origin, negatively affects the immune system. And during his illness, on the contrary, it is necessary to support him with all his might.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

You may want to treat yourself to a bun during your illness, but it's better not to do this. Pastries, cakes with cream and even pasta are a bad choice for the diet of a person with a cold. Fast carbohydrates are converted into sugar in our body, which contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels. In a word, it's the same as eating chocolate or halva — you just support the bacteria with their favorite food.

It should also be remembered that fast carbohydrates contribute to increased mucus secretion, and this negatively affects the patient's condition. So during the illness, it is better to give up muffins and even just white bread, in favor of products with a high content of coarse fiber.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

Alcoholic beverages undermine the immune system in the same way as glucose. Alcohol reduces the activity of white blood cells, and the disease has every chance of becoming protracted. At the same time, dehydration of the body occurs, and as you know, with a cold, on the contrary, it is necessary to consume more liquid. The mucous membranes from drinking alcohol dry up, and aching pains may occur in the muscles. All this, of course, does not contribute to improving the patient's well-being.

Although caffeine is not so aggressive, it also has the property of removing water from the body. The recovery process may be delayed, and the general state of health will be unimportant. Beer and sweet carbonated drinks have about the same effect on the body of a person with a cold. In general, alcohol and caffeine are the strongest anti-vitamins that can negate the benefits of many wonderful products.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

To get on the path of recovery faster, doctors recommend using spices, spices and just spicy foods. Curry, mustard, pepper, garlic and onion help to clear the upper respiratory tract, which is very important for colds. If you do not have severe sore throat, then spicy food will be your assistant on the way to health. But beware of eating too much spicy food if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract — such a diet can cause stomach irritation.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

Ginger proved to be excellent for colds. This root has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes increased sweating. Ginger can be added to tea, but it is most useful to simply brew it in hot water, after grating it on a grater. Chili pepper has a similar effect on the body, which also cleanses the sinuses.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

The healing properties of chicken broth have been known to people since ancient times. Today, the secret of this simple dish has been revealed — scientists have determined that the broth slows down the movement of cells that initiate inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, a decoction of fresh chicken is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that helps with upper respiratory tract infections.

How to eat with a cold to recover faster

Sea gifts contain an important component for our body — omega-3 acid. It reduces inflammation and helps strengthen the immune system. Salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel are especially useful in this regard, which also provide the body with vitamin D and zinc, necessary to support the immune system.

Keywords: Illness | Menu | Useful tips | Products | Cold

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