How to clean lungs of smoker: best ways that work
Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle
PictolicThe problem of purification of the lungs is important not only for smokers but also for employees of hazardous industries, people with asthma and cystic fibrosis and simple for residents of big cities and industrial centers. The maintenance light in a clean, healthy, helps to maintain the health of the entire body, so taking care of the respiratory system relevant to every person on the planet.
According to the who each year from air pollution in the world is dying 4.2 million people. Another 3.5 to 5.4 million people die every year due to the effects of such harmful habits as Smoking. That is why many decide to break up with tobacco and leave the danger zone. But is this possible, and are there ways that will help to clear the lungs on their own, without the help of innovative medical technologies?
Fortunately for us all lungs are self-cleaning organs, capable of after the cessation of the negative impacts to heal themselves. But do not experience the illusion and hope that the update will happen immediately, in a few days after breaking up with a cigarette. In order damaged by tobacco smoke, the cilia of the epithelium, responsible for the restoration, began to grow, it will take at least six months after your last puff.
Maybe there are drugs that can stimulate the cleaning, the process went faster? Unfortunately, this does not happen and all drugs for detoxification, which offer online sellers of medicinal, nothing more than a waste of money. Says Joshua Englert, MD, pulmonologist Medical center Ohio state University "Wexner":
But we can affect the recovery process of the lungs, without resorting to expensive drugs and obscure procedures. True, there are some nuances. Nature has taken care of the effective mechanism of regeneration of the lung tissue, so after bronchitis or pneumonia, these organs are fully recovered, but the process does not always work best.
Norman Edelman, MD, Professor of medicine at the State University of new York at stony brook argues that if you smoked for decades, the probability that light will recover completely, very small. A result of Smoking are two main types of damage, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Both diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Emphysema causes the destruction of a miniature of air sacs that facilitate the exchange of oxygen and bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi, in which air is supplied to these bags.
Edelman explains that the restoration of the bags, and swelling and inflammation of bronchitis to leave behind structural changes that remain with us until the end of life. But if you quit Smoking right now, there's a great chance not only to preserve what is left of the lungs, but also significantly improve their condition.
Israeli doctors found that 20 years after Smoking cessation, the risk of COPD falls to people who have never smoked, and after 30 years the probability of occurrence of lung cancer also is aligned with the non-smokers. Englert says:
So, here are 8 scientifically proven ways to make your easy cleaner and healthier without resorting to the miraculous means.
Cigarette smoke combined with the smoke coming from the lungs of a smoker is a hellish cocktail of more than a hundred chemical compounds, most of which are toxic. Even if you don't smoke, their regular breathing can cause emphysema and chronic bronchitis, but even lung cancer. So stay away from places where people smoke and do not allow to smoke in your presence.
A study conducted by experts from Japan, showed that popular today inhalation of warm steam can alleviate the condition of people with COPD, but the direct positive impact on the lungs has not. So do not waste time on steam therapy, it can help only in the case of respiratory diseases, as it cleanses the nasal passages.
Long-term risks of e-cigarettes is still being studied by scientists around the world, but short-term is already very well known to them. Not so long ago in the scientific journal "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine" was published the result of studies that showed that due to vaping reduces the lung's ability to cleanse themselves of mucus. Such a violation is a direct way to many infections, some of whom are deadly.
To lungs were healthy, you need to avoid the flu and pneumonia. Therefore, if possible, should always be vaccinated. Do not interfere, and additional precautions, such as washing the hands thoroughly with soap and isolation from people with obvious signs of a cold. Perfectly protects the lungs using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
Try to consume foods rich in natural antioxidants. Of course, blueberries, and coleslaw do not eliminate the effects of years of Smoking, but the substances contained in fruits and vegetables will help to speed up the upgrade process of the lungs and will be useful for the immune system and other organs.
Experts from the universities of Seoul, South Korea, found that green tea is consumed regularly, it reduces the likelihood of COPD. While the mechanism of this effect is not fully understood and not all scientists believe this conclusion, but if you drink tea instead of beer with a cigarette, it sure won't harm your respiratory system.
Physical activity helps to speed up the processes occurring in the body, including those associated with the restoration of lung tissue. But if you already have COPD, asthma or other respiratory diseases, before training it is better to consult a doctor. Not to be redundant and breathing exercises — the main thing is to choose the right complex and the intensity of training.
Cough is the natural method of cleaning the lungs of mucus, in which are pollution, trapped air. But we only cough when sick or if the Airways are irritated. Try a controlled cough, that is, by force — this force will direct the mucus from the lungs to the exit.
Inflammation of the Airways causes discomfort in the chest and makes breathing difficult. There are products, relieving inflammation and facilitating the human condition. These include turmeric, fruits and green vegetables, walnuts, cherries, blueberries, lentils and olives.
But most importantly, you need sharply and decisively to quit Smoking, with no half measures, and substitutions for VAPI. Only when the lungs will no longer be contaminated by combustion products, it will start updating. Or all of the above will be no good.
Keywords: Health and medicine | Rehabilitation | Smoking | Fruit | Respiration | Oxygen | Nicotine | HLS | Light
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