How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

Categories: Celebrities | History | North America

Of all the Cinderella stories, of which there are many, it is worth highlighting the biography of Basia Piasetskaya. This woman, coming from Poland came to the United States to earn money, eventually became the owner of millions and received one of the most famous American corporations. At the same time, she did not even have to shine at the ball — she struck her prince with erudition.

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

Basia Piasecka was born on February 25, 1937 in the small Polish town of Stanovice. After graduating from high school, she entered the University of Wroclaw, where she defended her master's thesis in art history. Unable to realize herself at home, Basia decided to try her luck overseas. In 1968, she went to the USA with $ 100 in her pocket, not even knowing English.

Piasetskaya was 31 years old and she well understood that she would have to work far from being an art critic. The woman was ready to do any possible job, just to be able to live with dignity and not need. But Basha was incredibly lucky. Soon after arriving, she found a job as a maid in the house of John Seward Johnson. He was the son of Robert Wood Johnson I, one of the founders of Johnson & Johnson Corporation.

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

The woman, who by that time had learned only a few English phrases, had to work for the wife of the owner of the house — Esther Underwood. Piasetska diligently performed her duties and, embarrassed by poor English, kept silent all the time. But one day she couldn't stand it and talked to John Johnson, which changed her life.

Like many other rich men, John Seward Johnson collected works of art. One day he bought another painting and proudly showed it to everyone. Basia, who had already learned the language a little by this time, informed the owner that he had overpaid for the canvas. She said that although the painting was good, it was not painted by the famous artist himself, but by his student. The woman justified her opinion, skillfully operating with dates and facts — after all, this was her profession.

So suddenly it turned out that the maid has a master's degree in art history. She no longer cleaned the rooms—Johnson made her his art consultant. From now on, he did not buy a single thing without first discussing it with Basei. Eight months after appearing in Piasetskaya's house, John Johnson filed for divorce and announced that he had found his happiness.

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

In 1971, 34-year-old Basia and 76-year-old John had a gorgeous wedding. The ceremony took place just 8 days after the divorce process ended. None of Johnson's 6 children received an invitation to the wedding. Becoming the wife of a multimillionaire, Piasetska plunged into a completely different world. It can't be said that she was satisfied with everything. The elderly spouse was a real bore. She had to listen for hours to him talk about extraterrestrial civilizations or how good it was to be buried on a yacht in the ocean. But John was kind to his Bass and refused her nothing.

Basia was a gentle and attentive wife, which her husband highly appreciated. Very soon Johnson began to trust her so much that he allowed her to spend her money without reporting. Piasetska turned around with might and main. New expensive cars have appeared in the garage of their house, and they own villas in Italy and Florida and even a private island. And Basia bought an incredibly expensive estate in New Jersey and named it "Yasnaya Polyana".

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

Piasetska loved art and gave free rein to her passion. During the 11 years she lived with her husband, she collected a collection of paintings by great masters and furniture. The pearls of her collection were a charcoal drawing made by the hand of Raphael and a secretary belonging to King Louis XVI of France. According to the most conservative estimates, the collection cost about $ 100 million.

The woman was well versed in masterpieces, but did not have a refined taste. Magnificent Renaissance statues stood around the pool, and the interior of the house hurt the eye with an abundance of gilding and decorative excesses. Basia Piasetska destroyed money mercilessly. By her order, a bomb shelter was arranged under the house in case of a nuclear war. A separate house for dogs with its own heating and a grand greenhouse for orchids appeared near the Johnson mansion.

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

Later it turned out that Piasetska spent more in a year than the Queen of Great Britain. But this did not bother the spouse at all — he really loved his Basya and was ready for any expenses for her. The woman did not miss the opportunity to help her compatriots by hiring workers from among Polish emigrants. She also donated a lot to charity.

In the last years of his life, John Seward Johnson was seriously ill. Oncology has been added to the many chronic ailments. After the billionaire's death, there were persistent rumors that while a team of doctors was trying to resuscitate him, Basia was choosing antiques in the next room in the latest Sotheby's auction catalog. Whether this is true or not is unknown for sure. Such gossip could be spread by Johnson's children, who were well aware that their father's millions were passing them by.

How the maid Basia Piasetska became the owner of the Johnson company

And so it happened — Johnson's fortune of $ 500 million was completely transferred to Basa. After the reading of the will, there were courts during which six millionaire's children tried to recover their father's fortune. They partially succeeded, but at the same time Pyasetskaya has $350 million left. In a few years, the widow was able to increase this capital several times.

In 2007, Basia Piasetska entered the Forbes ranking of the richest people on the planet, taking the 149th position. The woman spent the last years of her life in Monaco. She turned her Yasnaya Polyana estate into an elite country club, making it a source of income. Modern Cinderella died on April 1, 2013 in her native Poland, which she once left in search of happiness.

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