"Giants in skirts": 20 tallest women on the planet
Categories: Nations | Society | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/giants-in-skirts-20-tallest-women-on-the-planet.htmlWould you like to know how the tallest people in the world live? It is easy to guess that the greatest difficulties are caused by huge growth in women. For example, the height of 21-year-old Elisani da Cruz Silva is 2 meters and 6 centimeters, and her boyfriend is only 1 meter 63 centimeters.
In this article, we want to remember other "giantesses" and tell you their stories.
Ekaterina Gamova – 202 cm
Let's start with the Russian Ekaterina Gamova. The height of this outstanding volleyball player is 2 meters and 2 centimeters.
The girl is an Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation and a two-time world champion, in 2010 she was recognized as the best athlete of the country. In 2016, Gamova decided to retire from big-time sports and devote her life to training novice volleyball players.
Maria Stepanova – 203 cm
Another of our compatriots, who got into the ranking of the highest women in the world – basketball player Maria Stepanova. The height of this beauty is 2 meters and 3 centimeters.
Maria is a multiple champion of many international competitions, an Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation and a bronze medalist of the Olympic Games. In addition, she is one of the few female basketball players who can perform slam dunks. This is a popular type of throw, when a player jumps to the net and throws the ball through the ring from top to bottom.
Heather Green – 197 cm
Heather Green is very proud of her height and wants to be the tallest woman in the world, although she still needs to grow up a little. Now the height of this resident of Las Vegas is 1 meter 97 centimeters (just something), and to seem taller, the American constantly wears heels.
Heather does not experience any complexes associated with her growth, leads an active lifestyle and reacts with optimism to all sorts of troubles. However, the woman admits that sometimes she has difficulties with service, because not all institutions and specialists are used to working with such big people.
Lindsay Kay Hayward – 203 cm
The next girl on our list – American Lindsay Hayward-is known not only for her impressive height, but also for her outstanding physical data. This Amazon is professionally engaged in wrestling and, if desired, is able to throw an adult man across the room, as is often shown in Hollywood films.
By the way, Lindsay also has experience in filming movies. It was thanks to him that she got into the Book of Records Guinness as the tallest actress to play a major role in a film.
Caroline Welz – 205 cm
Caroline Welz is the holder of the title "The tallest woman in Germany". The height of the German beauty is 2 meters 5 centimeters. In addition, from most other representatives of the fairer sex, the German woman is also distinguished by the size of the shoes, because it is an impressive 49!
Like many other "giant girls", Welz devoted her life to working in the modeling business.
Mali Duangdi – 208 cm
Until 2016, Mali Duangdi from Thailand was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest woman in the world. Although in fact, at the same time, there were also taller representatives of the fair sex living on the planet. But let's leave it to the compilers of the Book of Records.
Unfortunately, a few years ago, Mali passed away from chronic health problems. At the time of her death, the girl, who was almost blind due to a brain tumor, was 24 years old, and her height was 2 meters and 8 centimeters.
Britney Griner – 206 cm
As you might have guessed, Britney Griner is a basketball player. And this is not surprising, because the girl's height is ideal for this sport – 2 meters 6 centimeters. In 2014, as a member of the US national team, Britney won the World Championship in Turkey, in 2016-the Olympic Games in Rio, in 2018-the World Championship in Spain.
As for the personal life of Britney Griner, it was quite easy for her to find a couple. In 2015, Griner married her longtime friend, Tulsa Shock NBA basketball player Glory Johnson. Her height is 1 meter 91 centimeters.
Rita Miniva Besa – 203 cm
Another basketball player in our rating is a native of Zimbabwe, Rita Miniwa Besa, who is 203 centimeters tall. Now the girl lives in the United States, where she moved many years ago to play basketball professionally.
To achieve any outstanding success in this sport, the African woman has not yet succeeded, but she is already known throughout the world as one of the tallest women.
Ekaterina Lisina – 210 cm
And again a basketball player! Besides, she's a Russian! Our compatriot Ekaterina Lisina is known all over the world not only because of her outstanding height-210 centimeters, but also because of her incredibly long legs – 132 centimeters.
It was thanks to them that she got into the Guinness Book of Records. In addition, Lisina is called the tallest model in the world. In 2009, the girl even decided to quit sports in order to devote her life to the modeling business.
Ulyana Semenova – 213 cm
Ulyana Semenova is a famous Soviet basketball player, 10-time European champion, three-time world champion and Honored Master of Sports. With the arrival of Semenova in the team "TTT Riga", it was almost impossible to beat her. In particular, it was thanks to the athlete that her native club won the championship 15 times.
In 1989, Semenova finished her sports career and is now engaged in public work.
Gitika Srivastava – 211 cm
Gitika Srivastava, like many other tall girls, also found herself in basketball. She was a former member of the Indian Women's national basketball team.
The height of the Indian woman is 211 centimeters. She herself claims that her great height is hereditary. Gitika's father was taller than the girl by almost 12 centimeters.
Zainab Bibi – 218 cm
Zainab Bibi is the tallest woman in Pakistan. In her homeland, Zainab always felt like an outcast – passers-by looked at the girl, considering her almost a monster, so she had to move.
Bibi spent the last years of her life in the UK, where she was granted political asylum. In 2018, at the age of 46, the woman died.
San Feng – 221 cm
Many girls dream of being tall, but not her ... height San Feng exceeds 220 centimeters. Just imagine, this is practically the height of the ceilings in a standard"Khrushchev"!
At the moment, Sun Feng is the tallest woman in China.
Malgorzata Dydek – 218 cm
According to various sources, the height of the Polish basketball player Malgorzata Dydek was from 213 to 218 centimeters. The girl is recognized as the highest player in the history of the Women's National Basketball Association.
Malgorzata has long played for the teams "Utah Starzz" and "Connecticut Sun", worked as a coach. In 2011, at the age of 37, the woman died.
Sandy Allen – 232cm
Sandy Allen is a well-known American circus and film actress. Until her death in 2009, she was considered the tallest woman in the world. Allen's height was 232 centimeters.
All her life, Sandi felt lonely and asked the organizers of the Guinness Book of Records to find a couple for her. Unfortunately, she did not have time to meet her lover.
Yao Defen – 234 cm
After death Sandy Allen Chinese Yao Defen topped the list of the world's tallest women. Her height is 2 meters 34 centimeters.
The girl suffered from a tumor in the pituitary gland, which was the cause of her gigantism. In 2011, at the age of 40, she died.
Zeng Jinlian – 248 cm
Zeng Jinlian is not just the tallest woman in the world, but also the tallest woman in the history of mankind that we know for certain. The Chinese woman was born in 1964 and died in 1982.
Almost from the very birth, the girl suffered from a strong curvature of the spine. Already at the age of 4, her height was an abnormal 1 meter 56 centimeters, and at the time of death reached 248.3 cm. However, there was an error in the calculations, because the curvature of the spine was taken into account – the Chinese woman could not straighten up to her full height.
Anna Haining Bates – 241 cm
Anna Haining Bates-ranked second in the list of the tallest women in history. Her height was 2 meters 41 centimeters. The woman was married to a man known by the nickname "the giant of Kentucky" — 233-cm Martin Van Buren Bates.
The couple built for themselves a huge house that meets their requirements, with ceilings about 4.3 meters high and doors of 2.4 meters each. Bates was twice pregnant, but both of her children died shortly after birth. The couple's second child, born on January 18, 1879, was posthumously entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest newborn-its weight was 10.7 kg, and its height was 75 cm.
Rumeisa Gelgi – 213 cm
In 2016, Rumeisa Gelgi was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest teenage girl in the world. At that time, the girl was 17 years old, and her height exceeded 213 centimeters.
It is known that the cause of gigantism of the girl is a rare genetic disease. At the same time, the growth of her brothers and sisters corresponds to the norm.
Ella Ewing – 224 cm
Throughout his life Ella Ewing, born in 1872, was considered the tallest woman in the United States. Until the age of 9, she was no different from her peers, but suddenly began to grow very quickly.
For a long time, Ewing performed in the circus and even managed to achieve great success in this field. But in 1913, at the age of 40, the woman died of pneumonia.
Traintier Keever – 254 cm
And finally, let's plunge a little into the more distant past and remember another woman with outstanding parameters. Traintje Keever, nicknamed "The Big Virgin", is probably the tallest woman in the entire history of the world. According to reports from various sources, the girl's height was from 254 to 257 cm. Unfortunately, there are no photos of Trentier, as she lived in the XVII century, and lived very briefly — only 17 years.
Are you still shy about your tall stature or, on the contrary, do you dream of becoming taller?
Keywords: Record | Peoples | Women | World | Guinness world records | Height | Society | Largest | Most | Tallest
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