As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Categories: History | Society | World

Modern women are lazy and spoiled. At least this sure most men... Every time my wife tells how very tired, some of them will remember their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who "raised 10 children, washed linen in the hole and do not whine!".

We tried to find out how easy it was given to women in the past, their daily duties. And, it turned out that not very...

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

You must have noticed that whenever modern women tell in social networks about his "hard sudbinushke", you'll definitely find the one who will accuse them of weakness and spoiled. "Tired can it be? Robot vacuum cleaner vacuuming, she cooks slow cooker, washing machine washes, rinses, children in kindergarten and school! Here's our grandmother!!!". And, as they say, here we go.

Let's see what superpowers had women in the past, which can easily cope with a huge amount of household duties: raised children, cooked, and cared for the cattle, cleaning the house, and even found time to please their husbands.

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Somehow, in the most public pages in social networks, dedicated to the Slavic traditions, our grandmothers depict that's right... it is Mentioned that this fragile beautiful woman in linen dress and a wreath on the head for seven years, she stoked the furnace, fed the chickens, milked the cows, and even knitted, embroidered, and carried out a bunch of household chores.

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

The peasants in the Arkhangelsk province, 1910

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Children 3, 6 and 9 years. 1910

As you can see, no rosy blondes in wreaths and hoops. Our great-grandmother lived and survived. And for 30 years they already looked haggard old ladies. But to complain about his life made no sense, as they knew that the other would not be.

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Club educational program (the elimination of illiteracy)

It is worth noting that in many books of the period are mentions about how men allegedly let women in their quest to build a better life. For example, in the book "the Work and life of Soviet women" 1983 release explains that after the revolution, the men "did not give the women to the letter", he says, "if you give them the letter, they, perhaps, we really listen to you won't."The report Sibrevkoma dedicated to the integration of women into the work of the Soviets in 1925, States the following:

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Moscow. Lecture at MSU. 1 September 1945

However, let's leave this topic and learn how to live our grandmothers, as in the Soviet period there were many changes. Women have the freedom to get an education, to visit various educational circles for children was established nurseries and gardens to their mother could work...

Even magazines that were published sketches in which unobtrusive hinted that the care of home and family — not only women's responsibility. Which is only a fragment of the story of Thecla Chekunova that could tell the husband something like this:

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

1957, Moscow

As early as 1953, the life expectancy of women has almost doubled. If in 1914, she was barely 30 years, now was as much as 70! Also reduced the infant mortality rate almost 4 times. But to say that along with the changes women's lives became much easier — not.The number of domestic duties, in fact, decreased, however, the caveat is that because of the urbanization of life has disappeared in the first place, "male" jobs. According to the data found in the book "the Work and life of Soviet women" in 1978 men spent for performing chores around 11 hours per week, women — 26. The latter could devote cultural life (grocery theatres, reading, performances, etc.) only 13 hours a week, and their husbands — 21.

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

Stills from the film "the fate of the resident", 1970

Of course, ladies, this situation was not satisfied. In the book "the Work and life of Soviet women" presents the results of the survey, according to which more than a third of working women are called "brake" for career and employment household chores and raising children. Given the following statistics: with the increase in the number of children in the family career of mothers severely constrained, while on the formation of men in professional terms with a growing family had no effect.

In short, even with the years of the life of women has changed radically, domestic duties has not ceased to be a problem for them. Why not listen to anyone who says "But our grandmother!!!". Of course, our grandmothers were very hard, their strength and patience can only envy. But now housework similarly, "slow" women in development.

As our grandmother coped without slow cookers and vacuum cleaning robots

According to the statistics given by the teacher HSE Elena Mezentseva in the article "Men and women in the field of domestic labour: the logic of economic rationality against the logic of gender identity?", on house stuff men spend 14 hours and women — 30. This is even more than in 1978, despite all of the slow cooker, steamer and robot vacuum cleaners.

What is the reason for this injustice? Everything is very simple! As the years changed a lot of requirements to quality of life: wash almost every day, eating only freshly prepared, all the free time to devote to children.

So don't be mad at women who say they are tired, it's true.

Keywords: Granny | Housewife | Women | Parents | Work | Cleaning

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