Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Categories: Animals | Nature | World

The fauna of the Earth, despite our efforts, yet rich and varied. Among the creatures living beside us, there are excellent and terrible, huge and tiny, tender and deadly. In the existence of some neighbors on the planet sometimes it's hard to believe, but they are there and need our attention and protection.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

One of the most amazing features of the fauna is the difference in size. We are accustomed to as the Royal dog, and Chihuahuas are animals of the same species and we are not confused by differences in weight and dimensions. But many creatures we have formed a wrong impression based on stereotypes, so seeing them side by side, we are amazed at the apparent contrast.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

It's not a pony not a foal and a grown horse breed falabella.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Looks like moon fish know everything. But few realize its actual size.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

The wingspan of the butterfly Brephidium exilis, is only 1.2 cm

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Adult crab Pinnotheres pisum, the pea in the shell mussels.

Japanese crab-spider-like creature from another planet.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Tarantula Goliath Theraphosa blondi, the largest spider on the planet.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

The frog is the Goliath, which can be found in Equatorial Africa.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

This is a real snake, just the smallest in the world. Tetracheilostoma carlae is endemic to the Caribbean island of Barbados and was first discovered in 2008. Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

English draught horses breeds the Shire is the biggest horse in the world.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Wakita, or California harbour porpoise is the smallest cetacean. The maximum length of this mammal is less than 1.5 metres.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

The Chinese head of an eagle and the hand of man.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Andean Condor, adult wolf. Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

Feeding of the Nile crocodile of tourists.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

The biggest rabbit in the world with a friend. Weight-eared giant — 22 kg.

Giants and dwarfs of the animal world: the contrasts are noticeable only when comparing

A bull Holstein, weight 1.2 tons.

The world has many amazing animals, but you should always remember that they cannot survive without our care.

Keywords: Giants | Dwarfs | Contrast | Mammals | Diversity | Amazing

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