Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Categories: Nature | North America

If you needed a reason to start diving, then consider that now you have it. In Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula, there is a hidden underwater river called the Angelita ("Little Angel"). It can only be reached by scuba diving. 

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

How is this possible? This unique phenomenon was formed as a result of the destruction of an ancient cave. The rock formation collapsed and opened access to ground fresh water. Salt water gradually enters the fresh water, and at a depth of 30 meters, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of hydrogen sulfide. It looks like a cloud or fog that creeps along the bottom.

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Divers can swim right through this cloud, which is surprisingly similar to a river. Trees and fallen leaves add even more similarity.

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

If you look from the surface, nothing will be visible — only the water column. But it is only necessary to descend to a depth of 18-20 meters, and you seem to fall into another world.

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Mysterious underwater river flows along the ocean floor in Mexico

Photographer Anatoly Beloshchin made a number of exciting pictures that convey the mystical atmosphere of this place.

Keywords: Mexico | River | Nature | North America | Diving | Underwater photography | Underwater world

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