Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Categories: History

Serfdom existed in Russia since the XI century until 1861, in fact, only tougher. Of course, in different periods there legal restrictions on the treatment of serfs, but the punishment could comprehend raging nobleman, only if the grievance of the peasants came to the appropriate authority. But it happened very rarely.

In fact unwitting people were equal in their rights to animals. Newspaper ads about the sale of serfs coexisted with announcements about the sale of dogs, furniture, clothes. But in such conditions were the landowners, whose wickedness even contemporaries considered excessive.

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Nicholas Struysky

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Struysky, hosted at the estate Ruzaevka Penza province was known as a tyrant. He loved to walk on their land, dressed in outfits from different eras and peoples, and recite their own poems. On the estate he even opened a printing house to publish his works. They say that these poems were very bad content.

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Estate Ruzaevka.

But the passion Troickogo was mistreatment of serfs. He is, in modern language, loved role-playing game. Invent crimes and picked up among the servants of the victims, defendants and witnesses. Then arranged the interrogation and held court. Punishment, unlike the crimes were real. For reduction of sentences in the basement Troickogo was organized torture room. There were live shooting. People ran from wall to wall, and the master is fired from a gun.

Otto Gustaf Douglas

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Many foreigners who entered the king's service, was taken over existing mores. One of them was Otto Gustaf Douglas, Governor-General of Finland and Revel Governor of the province. In history, he remained as the man who had followed the tactics of scorched earth. Ruining the Finnish village, he was sent to Russia in slavery around two thousand people.

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Picture Kasatkina "Serf actress in disgrace, nursing lordly puppy".

He had a particular sadistic handwriting. Otto loved to have fun spinal fireworks. First, as hard flogged peasants on the back with a whip, and then poured the fresh wounds of gunpowder and set on fire. In 1760, the court sentenced him to life imprisonment. Not for the treatment of the serfs, and for the murder of a captain. But he escaped with a three-week work in the Summer garden in St. Petersburg.

Darya Saltykova

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Saltykov was widowed at the age of 26 years and has at its disposal six hundred souls in Moscow, Vologda and Kostroma provinces. Before she was quite meek woman, but after that, if the devil has gotten into Saltychikha. According to contemporaries, she ruined 140.

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

The morning Saltychikha went to check the housekeeping. And it was worth it to see on the floor at least flew through the window sheet, as the landowner began to beat the mother put the footage the first arm of the subject. When I tired to beat, called to the aid of the groom. She also sat, reveling, watched the execution. If the offending survived by her half-dead sent again to wash the floors. Beating Arsenal Saltychikha, of course, is not limited. In the case were boiling, red-hot tongs, ice in the cold...

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Illustration to the encyclopedic edition of "the Great reform", which depicts torture Saltychikha "in soft tones."

Using his connections, Payne intercepted complaints. All informants were immediately sent into exile. But the two peasants have been able to transmit the complaint to the Empress Catherine II. The investigation lasted eight years, according to the results, Saltykov was sentenced to life imprisonment in an underground prison without light, and the deprivation of a noble family.

Lev Izmailov

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Cavalry General Izmailov, who lived in the province of Tula, they respected dogs more than people. In his Parnach was the king's terms, each of several hundred dogs had a private room and the choicest food. When someone from their friends Izmailov noticed a good puppy, he was ready to give him the peasants in almost any quantity. Once the Valet had allowed himself to say that "you can't compare a man with a stupid creature." Then Izmailov stabbed him in the hand with a fork.

Generation era: Russian landlords, famous for his cruelty to serf

Picture Izhakevich "Serfs was changed to the dogs."

The second passion of the landlord were women. His personal harem consisted of 30 girls, among whom was 12 years old. They watched the dogs of his master with envy: they lived under the castle, and went out into the street only a short walk in the garden, or hike in the bath. Guests who came to Izmailov, could always count on to them in the room will take the girls. And than is more important — will the younger ladies.

Keywords: Russian Federation | History | Peasants | Paintings | Slavery | Pre-revolutionary era | Torture | Humiliation

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