From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World

In this difficult time of quarantine and pandemic many people deal with boredom and stress, sitting alone in four walls and not being able to get. Some find comfort in the things that they really near and dear.

One of the Twitter users asked netizens to show the subject of home decor, which is for them the greatest value. And people responded!

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This is a small sword given to me by the king of Bhutan for more than ten years ago"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"In 1976 (when I was 8 years old) my dad didn't buy flowers for Valentine's Day for my mom, so he drew this for her watercolor"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This is a portrait of my family, in 1940, Arkansas. Here my grandmother's brothers and sisters, my great-grandfather, his brothers and sisters, my great-great-grandmother... all in one picture!"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"In the 1940-ies of the black artists of Philadelphia sold there are landscapes in the rough frames for a couple of bucks apiece. Today, these paintings are worth thousands of dollars. I have one sister gave"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"I lost nearly all property during a fire in the Berkeley hills (California) in 1992. One of the things miraculously preserved — this ceramic cat from Mexico. I found her in the ashes"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This is the diary of my great-uncle. He led it during the First world war, when he served in the "Lost battalion""

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This Is A Sheep. I've had it since the first day of my life"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This is a portrait of my mother. It was drawn by my son, when he was 16 years old"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Tin under tobacco. When I was little, we kept in her house keys. The sound of the cans always fills me with warmth and feeling of home"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This weekend my father's shoes — Navy. It is their shore and watched so they always shined. A couple of years before his death, he gave them to me. I rubbed them to Shine and put on his funeral. He'd appreciate it"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Maybe it's silly, but I have a videotape of the movie "the Princess bride", which my parents bought immediately after painting in 1987. I really cherish it. Watched a thousand times! And yet it is signed by Wallace Shawn"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"A note from my dad who is not with us for more than 30 years. Store it in a frame"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Teddy bear. When I was two weeks, this toy gave me a real estate agent who helped my parents to choose home"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Autograph MIP Giz on "the Diary of Anne Frank". MIP Giz — the same woman who helped to hide Anne Frank in occupied Amsterdam from 1942 to 1944. After his arrest, Anne kept her diary"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"If there's a fire, the first thing I make a cat and these two things: a mug of coffee grandfather during the Second world war and his old cigar box in which lies his ID bracelet marine"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"It's a small silver bowl and spoon. The set was a gift for my birthday. There are engraved with my name and date of birth"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"My grandfather was in the 50s for a very long time delivered Newspapers to make on this record player. This is my favorite thing in the house"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"It was a lighter during the Second world war. It belonged to my grandfather, whom I never saw"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Pictures of my grandparents, who survived the Second world war. My grandmother saw the aircraft kamikaze"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Appointment of my distant ancestor on the paternal side, who fought in the battle of Gettysburg and other battles on the side of the northerners. He was 20 years old. The document was signed by Abraham Lincoln"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Teacup that belonged to my grandmother. When I was little I wasn't allowed to touch the Cup, and now I can do it at any time"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Old grandpa's cigar box to which harmonicas are great-grandfather, handkerchiefs with initials of my two great-grandmothers, marble balls, which in the childhood played the second of my grandfather, a note from my father"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Coffee circling, which gave me a father for the successful completion of high school"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"This plate was in the house of my great-great-grandfather in the Netherlands"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"The cross stitch that my grandmother made in the 1950-ies"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"The menorah of my grandmother. This candle holder for seven candles"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Autograph of Lord Byron — one. And the Nepalese kukri world war II that belonged to my grandfather"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"Two glasses that belonged to my grandma and grandpa. Only two left of a set. Love them so much that even drawing for tattoo borrowed from one of the glasses"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"The doll that I made for my great-grandmother. This is her in the picture — my grandfather, my aunt and my uncle"

From glasses to boot the father: netizens showed their family heirlooms

"We lost a lot of family heirlooms in the fire in Paradise in 2018. Fortunately, I still have a rocking chair that belonged to my grandmother. I remember it from my childhood"

Keywords: Coronavirus | Relic | Twitter

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