Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Categories: Culture | Europe

Agnieszka Lorek prefers the mysterious thickets of Welsh forests to ordinary photo studios. She creates images of beautiful models herself, acting not only as a photographer, but also as a stylist and artist. Agnezhka carefully approaches her art projects, attaching importance to every detail. Perhaps that is why the result of her work is simply stunning. The photos of the talented Polish woman seem to freeze a fairy tale, which features images of beautiful forest nymphs surrounded by mysterious nature.

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Forest nymphs from the magical worlds of Lamb Lorek

Keywords: Culture | Europe | Poland | Photographer | Forest | Models | Fairy tale | Art project

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