Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

Categories: Children | Science

Not so long ago, we introduced you to the crazy Professor Nicolas and his science shows that turn any children's holiday into an exciting and educational interactive entertainment. Today, Nicolas talks about his new, more serious projects - science workshops and social programs that perfectly complement the standard curriculum.

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Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

1. Scientific workshops differ from shows primarily in that they are aimed more at education than entertainment. That, however, does not prevent them from being extremely exciting and interesting for children.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

2. In the arsenal of Professor Nicolas now there are six traveling master classes dedicated to physics and chemistry. They are intended for children aged 10-14 who independently participate in laboratory work. Each of the master classes is dedicated to a specific topic - color, sound, mechanics, etc. Well, now about each of them in more detail ...

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

3. "Amazing density." From this master class, the guys will learn what density is and how it depends on volume and mass, conduct laboratory work to determine the material from which cubes of the same volume are made, draw amazing patterns on milk, study the change in density by adding salt, get acquainted with Galileo's thermometer and even prepare small lava lamps to take home as a souvenir.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

4. "Great sound." This workshop explains how sound travels, how longitudinal and transverse waves differ, what a musical instrument can be made of, and how you can change your voice.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

5. "Magic of color". He will show how to decompose light into a spectrum, whether black is really black, how you can get colored patterns on matter, what happens if you mix colored gels. This is perhaps the most beautiful master class.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

6. "Interesting mechanics." What is inertia and the center of gravity, the amazing properties of the gyroscope, the incredible Celtic stone and the "eternal" spinning top - more than 10 experiments in total!

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

7. "Dry ice and soap bubbles." An interesting master class that reveals the properties of dry ice and soap bubbles. Why does dry ice “squeak”, how to make a giant soap hemisphere, what determines the color of a soap bubble, is it possible to make a square soap bubble. Everyone participates!

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

8. "Introduction to chemistry." These are the very foundations of science, but how interesting they are! What is an indicator, how does acidity change, is there an invisible ink, is it possible to make hot ice, how does an exothermic reaction differ from an endothermic one. Thanks to this master class, the guys will never say that chemistry is boring.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

9. In addition to master classes, Nicolas has another very important project - social programs. They are designed to clearly demonstrate to the younger generation the harm that is exerted on any organism, and especially the growing and fragile bad habits. The names of the programs speak for themselves...

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

10. "Alcohol - no!". In this program, children will learn what alcohol is dangerous for, what and how it affects, how alcohol can be harmful, even if it is not consumed.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

11. "Smoking - no!". What is addiction, and how the lungs become covered with tar, is passive smoking dangerous, and how much money is “burned out” annually. Viewers of this important social program will receive answers to all these questions.

Fascinating lessons with Professor Nicolas

12. Today, in addition to Moscow, scientific master classes and social programs are also being held in Tyumen, Vologda, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Irkutsk, but Professor Nicolas is sure that by the beginning of the new academic year, most of the cities that already have his show.

And, of course, do not forget the motto of Professor Nicolas: “Science is great!”

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