Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Categories: Animals | Celebrities

Since the beginning of cinema cats were shot side by side with the actors, captivating the hearts of viewers. It is not surprising that the stars of Hollywood's Golden age loved the photo shoot with animals. Here is the collection of vintage photographs of famous personalities and their furry friends.

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Ava Gardner and her Siamese cat, 1946

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Anthony Perkins plays with a kitten, 1958

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Anthony Perkins treats the Siamese with ice cream, 1950s

14-year-old Bette Davis with a pet, 1922

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Bette Davis with her kitten, April, 1943

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Betty Grable and her fur "collar" Whitney, 1935

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Brigitte Bardot with a pet, 1959

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Clark gable poses with one of the cats that lived on his Rancho in the valley of San Fernando, 1945

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Clark gable and Carole Lombard with two Siamese cats in his house in the valley of San Fernando, 1940

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Cary Grant walking his Siamese cat in Beverly hills, 1955

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Elizabeth Taylor with a cat in Paris, 1961Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Elizabeth Taylor at his home in Beverly hills with a Siamese cat named Coffee, 1956

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Fred Astaire and his Siamese cat Carlisle, 1962

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Fred Astaire and his Siamese cat Carlisle, 1962

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Freddie mercury with his cat Tiffany, 1986

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

George Harrison with a cat Cover, Surrey, England, 1965

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Greta Garbo with Cecil Beaton's cat, broad Chalk, England, 1951

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Ingrid Bergman hugging a cat while filming in Elstree, England, 1958

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Ingrid Bergman with a pet, 1958Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

James Dean and his cat Marcus, presented to Elizabeth Taylor, 1955

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Janis Joplin with her cat in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco, 1967

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Joan Fontaine in London, UK, 1965

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

The drummer for the Who Keith moon on the back seat of the car with your pet, 1970

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Lauren Bacall with cats, 1940s

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Laurence Olivier with a new cat, Chelsea, London, 1946

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Vivien Leigh with Siamese cat, new Boy, 1940

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh with Siamese cat, 1940s

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

MIA Farrow cat Malcolm, 1965

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Marlon Brando with his cat at his home in Los Angeles, California, 1954

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Marlon Brando kissing a cat, 1950

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Marlon Brando on the set of the film "the Godfather", 1972

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Marlon Brando on the set of the film "the Godfather", 1972

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Paul Newman plays with a cat named Louis XIV, 1978

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Paul Newman with Louis XIV at the zoo, 1956

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Robert Redford read the script, Utah, 1969

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Sean Connery in Marbella, September 1983

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Stanley Kubrick plays with his cat on the set of a Clockwork orange, 1972

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Steve McQueen with the darling, 1963

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

John Lennon with his cat, 1965

Famous cat lovers: famous personalities and their Pets

Yoko Ono and John Lennon with cat Weybridge, Surrey, England, 1968

Keywords: Actors | Actresses | Pets | Cats | Musicians | B/W | Black and white photography

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