10 unusual theories that change the perspective on world history
Categories: History
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-unusual-theories-that-change-the-perspective-on-world-history.htmlThere are people who believe that any historical event is a carefully planned action with a purpose and a part of a world conspiracy of secret governments, the masons or reptilians. The conspirators kept in the dark ordinary people by keeping them ignorant of true facts and historical documents. But there are those who do not give in to manipulation and these people propose a shocking theory, we break the habitual picture of the world.
Today we offer you a selection of the 10 theories, which, in our opinion, is not stupid look and pretend to be considered quite seriously. Of course, confirm or deny something they could not, but on reflection they suggest.
The official version of the death of the 35 US President States that he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. But some independent experts are convinced that the death policy were interested more powerful force than a disgruntled foreign and domestic policies American.
According to one version, Kennedy, like Lincoln, was assassinated by the order of the Jesuits. We all know that the President was going to terminate the war in Vietnam, and it is not included in the plans of the Vatican. The purpose of the Catholic Church was the planting of Catholicism in the region and transfer it under the influence of the Pope.
In addition to all known versions of the death of the ship due to the collision with the iceberg, there are at least three variants of the marine disaster. According to one of them, the Titanic did not sink, and instead killed his double — built a year earlier, the ship "Olympic".
The second theory says that at the moment of collision with the ice block steamer was on fire in the area of the coal bin. The iceberg hit in a highly heated from the inside part of the side, causing it to burst, creating a fatal hole. According to the third version, the "Titanic" sank because of the ancient curse of the Egyptian priests, as on Board the Explorer of Ancient Egypt Lord Canterville was carrying the mummy from his collection.
It often happens that the passionate fans of the stars are not willing to put up with her death. It happened with king of pop Michael Jackson. Arguments that the death of the American singer staged, according to fans, there may be no serious health problems before death, fake latest photos, no video from surveillance cameras, which worked and more.
It is known that the ceremony of burial, the coffin was not opened, and the family members of the singer was stingy with emotions. Also proponents of the theory like to cite as evidence a photo of the daughter of Jackson three years ago, made in the car. In the picture, with some manipulation of the settings of light and contrast on the rear seat you can see the King himself. There is, incidentally, those who argue about the existence of records in the journal star speaking of the intention to retire by faking his own death.
The city, or rather a separate state within Rome, is amazing guests with plenty of historical and architectural monuments and great works of art. But many say that what we see is only part of the treasure, gathered by popes over many centuries of the Catholic Church.
Rumor has it that the ark of the Covenant hidden in the bowels of the Vatican, and in addition in the secret vaults of the papal residence has many things that are considered mythical or lost forever. Hiding from all the original Bible, Kabbalistic mystical texts, artifacts to prove or disprove the existence of Jesus and the apostles theories related to the Vatican incredibly much.
Historical information about the woman, once elected Pope, skimpy and contradictory. It is believed that she was born the day of the death of Charlemagne, in the family of an English missionary, and at age 12 ran away from home with an itinerant monk on mount Athos, disguised as a boy.
A couple of a long time wandering around Europe, but then settled in the Eternal city, where competent John managed to get a scribe in the papal Curia. After receiving over time, a cardinal, a woman dressed as a man, was succeeded on the papal throne of the deceased of Leo IV. If you believe a not too reliable facts, the fraud was exposed when dad started to give birth right during the procession. Deceived citizens, allegedly killed Popescu on the spot.
It was after this outrageous case in the papal Palace there is the special viewing chair, which until the XX century was used by the cardinals to confirm the masculinity of choice for the post of head of the Catholic Church.
It seems to us that the story of one of the most ancient civilizations on earth are studied along and across, and all the key dates are identified and verified. But really we can't vouch for what happened even a century ago, not to mention several thousands of years.
In 1857 was discovered a stone stele, the information which is reported by historians that the Pharaoh Khafre did not create the Sphinx, but only restored a huge statue. That figure fantastic creatures far more ancient than we believe is confirmed by the following from the abundant monsoon rains over his back.
Scientists believe that such precipitation could be in Egypt not later than eight thousand years ago, and this figure moves the entire history of Egypt. Stella, as traces of rain, mysteriously disappeared shortly after and has remained only fragmentary written evidence about this opening.
First that the history of humanity has fallen for centuries, spoke of the great scientist of the seventeenth century Isaac Newton. The founder of Egyptology Champollion, entangled in the pharaohs and not finding data about some of the rulers of Ancient Egypt, adopted the error, relegating the history of this state for at least three centuries.
In the history of Russia also have three points century. Historical science says about the basis in the VI century the first Slavic settlement, and then immediately goes to the fact that Kyiv is a city and capital in the IX century. Some believe that over the centuries all confused monk Nestor, and especially, by order of Vladimir Monomakh.
Due to errors in chronology in question was even the existence of king Charlemagne and the Foundation of the Carolingian dynasty, with its monumental palaces and fortresses.
It is now beyond doubt that President Roosevelt in advance was going to get involved in the Second world war. But support this step in society, to put it mildly, is not found. The only correct decision in this case was to show the aggression of Japan against the United States, and to untie his hands.
So a cunning politician did — he presented a provocative ultimatum document, thus forcing the Japanese first attack the US. As everything was planned and calculated, with bases in pearl Harbor were previously withdrawn most valuable warships — aircraft carriers. Historians believe that from the point of view of global governance and, given the influence of large States on the outcome of the war, Roosevelt did the right thing.
It is believed that the legendary Troy, sung by Homer, located on the hill of Hissarlik, in present-day Turkey. There are ruins of the ancient city was discovered by the historian and the archaeologist Schliemann, who received the laurels of the discoverer. Only at the time of the great discoveries Schliemann is not considered a brilliant scientist and even an ardent enthusiast of archaeology.
Among his contemporaries, the discoverer of Troy had the reputation of being crooks and upstarts who would do anything just to leave his mark in science. There is a version that the famous "treasure of Priam" is nothing more than a vessel with jewels, gathered around the ancient world, and buried on the hill among the ruins of suitable Greek settlements.
When Schliemann was accused of forgery, interest in his discovery has dramatically declined. It got to the point that artifacts found during excavations of Troy, did not want to take in his exhibit no self-respecting Museum.
At the time, the movie "Zeitgeist" has sown doubt in the minds of many people. It turned out that terrorism is a great tool for manipulating the masses in the hands of governments. The terrorist attack of September 11, many believe the perfect confirmation of this theory.
The attack that cost the lives of thousands of people, allowed the U.S. government to issue the famous "patriot act" that unleashes special services. This document allows you to formally conduct searches and arrests, wiretapping and view mails of U.S. residents without proper permission of the court.
Finally I want to remind everyone that deceived the crowd is easier to manipulate and because of this the world almost every day there are different theories and hoaxes. But you have to live not the mass consciousness, and your mind and to decide for themselves what to believe and what to put under serious doubt.
Keywords: Plot | Personality | Reflections | Events | Theories | Facts
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