Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Categories: Europe | History | North America

About Jacques mesrine written many books and filmed several movies. In France, it is the way it is today is contradictory and ambiguous. Some consider Gelding a revolutionary and an anarchist, challenged the system, and the other is called the rebel chief robber in the history of France, which account for 40 murders.

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Jacques rené Mesrine was born in 1936 in the suburbs of Paris. He studied at the prestigious Catholic school Collège de Guji, from which he was expelled because he broke the teacher's ear. 19 Jacques Mesrine got married and joined the army. Brave and physically strong rookie sent in special forces, which he came to the Algerian war. In this conflict, French special forces proved itself an excellent butchers.

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Jacques Mesrine during his service in Algeria

In 1959, a veteran of the Algerian war, he returned to France and married a second time. Together with the order "For military valour", he brought with him a complete contempt for human life and .45-caliber. With three friends Gelding had engaged in robbery, and in 1962 for trying to Rob a Bank in jail for a year and a half. After his release, the parents have attached a violent son to work in an architectural office, but gangster nature took its toll.

The Spanish government accused the Gelding to espionage, but this did not prevent him in 1966 to open in the Canary Islands restaurant. Business he skillfully combined with the criminal. In Geneva Gelding robbed a jewelry store, in the Alpine town of Samone – hotel in Paris – the fashion house. In 1968, the bandit with his mistress fled to Canada, where he came under investigation. With a new accomplice Jean-Paul Mercier they were trying to take hostage billionaire George Deslaurier.

The gang grabbed in the US and extradited to Canada. Before arrest the criminals killed an elderly maid. For the crimes of Gelding and Mercier got 10 years in prison. In 1972, the associates and five prisoners escaped. Before the escape they promised his friends to return and release them.

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Jacques Mesrine in Canada

In Montreal, the gang robbed several banks and 3 September 1972, attacked the prison. In the shootout, the assailants shot two guards stormed inside, but they failed. For Mesrine and Mercier began the hunt. The bandits managed to get away from the chase and shoot a few canadian Rangers. Fake documents the robbers and their mistress flew to Venezuela.

After a year Jacques Mesrine is back in Paris. In one of the capital's bars he shot a COP and was arrested. In may 1973, the legendary bandit has received 20 years in prison. Before the court one of the friends handed him a revolver with which he took hostage the judge and, jumping out of the window, escaped in the waiting car. Four months later he was arrested again and sent to prison, where Mesrine wrote the autobiographical book "Fatal instinct."

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

For the ability to change the appearance of journalists gave him the nickname the man "with 1000 faces"

After five years, he escaped again. And now a Gelding as the chain broke: he robbed banks, casinos, shopping malls, kidnapped for ransom people. Bandit showed talent for transformations and not afraid to use weapons. By this time the police had recorded on his "account" to 39 murders.

This bomb was an interview with "Paris Match" that Gelding gave in 1978. Through the newspaper he demanded that the government of France to shut every prison of strict regime, and promised to kill the interior Minister Christian bonnet. The press gave the robber the nickname: "the enemy of the state №1". 2 November 1979 the French police got on the trail of the bandit.

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Jacques Mesrine poses for the photographer of the magazine "Paris Match"

When Mesrine and his mistress were driving through Paris in the car "BMW" the way was blocked by a truck with an awning. The robber stopped, the body jumped 19 police officers who opened fire. To be sure, one of the officers was shot in the head bleeding "Enemy of the state".

Photos from the scene of the execution of Jacques Mesrine:

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

Enemy of the state № 1: Jacques Mesrine — the robber, to whom France declared war

The police accused that she did not give the Gelding the chance to surrender, and they replied that the offender was particularly dangerous. If his capture could have been killed by the gendarmes, and the risk the user could not go.

Keywords: Canada | Crime | Paris | France

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