Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

Categories: Celebrities | Health and Medicine | Science | World

Elizabeth Parrish (Elizabeth Parrish) is an American businesswoman and one of the leaders of the scientific and medical company BioViva, who became famous all over the world thanks to her courageous act.

In 2015, risking her own life, she tested a drug that can not only slow down the aging process, but also reverse it. How gene therapy affected Elizabeth and what changes occurred in her body during this period, read in our material.

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

As you know, the aging process of a person begins with a decrease in the terminal processes of chromosomes (telomeres). And the older a person is, the shorter his telomeres are.

In 2015, Elizabeth Parrish voluntarily agreed to gene therapy, which consisted of changing existing cells of her body in order to increase the length of telomeres. If everything turned out the way scientists intended, they would be able to significantly slow down, and maybe even stop the aging process of the body. But the woman was taking an unjustified risk, because such procedures have never been carried out, and the consequences could be the most unpredictable…

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

In the USA, such research on people is prohibited at the legislative level, so scientists had to cheat a little. Parrish and her team went to Canada, where they conducted a risky experiment.

Fortunately, everything went well. Immediately after the introduction of the genetically modified cells into the body, Parrish did not have any complaints.

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

Already in March 2016, the analysis of telomere length showed that in 6 months they increased from 6.71kb to 7.33 kb. (from 6710 to 7330 base pairs). This means that Elizabeth's body has become younger by about 20 years!

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

After that, scientists began to regularly monitor changes in the woman's body, and recently they received the results of regular studies.

Over the past period, her telomeres have increased to 8,12 thousand base pairs. This indicates that the cells in her body have "rejuvenated" for another decade.

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

In addition, positive changes have occurred in Elizabeth's appearance. She noticed that her skin became firmer, and her hair became strong and silky.

Also, according to the first genetically modified woman on the planet, she became more energetic and hardy, fatigue decreased.

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

Also, over the past period, the degradation of Elizabeth's muscles has stopped. Muscle mass not only increased by itself, but also remained in good shape for all three years. At the same time, the woman did not gain weight, since the content of intramuscular fat by some miracle also decreased.

Elizabeth Parrish is the world's first genetically modified human

The results of this experiment indicate that gene therapies are safe not only for animals that have already been tested, but also for humans. Experience Elizabeth Parrish has shown impressive results, but it is too early to talk about the mass use of such drugs.

Currently, Elizabeth's team continues to work on this project, determining the safe dosage of the genetically modified substance and possible side effects.

Elizabeth says that her main goal is "to create a preventive drug that could be used by medical institutions of the next generation for the evolution of healthy people."

Would you decide on such an experiment? What do you think about the possibility of gaining immortality?

Keywords: Immortality | Gene | GMO | Research | Youth | Experience | Old age | Scientists | Experiment

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