Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

Categories: Asia | Conflict | Society

Even a few months after the wedding, you can be bitterly disappointed in your choice. A resident of India has sued his wife, her family and a matchmaker, accusing them of cheating. He found out that his wife is actually transgender. The couple did not have an intimate relationship, because the newlywed constantly referred to health problems. The truth came out only after an examination by a gynecologist.

Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

A resident of the Indian city of Kanpur appealed to the police with a statement against his wife, her parents and the person who arranged their marriage. The man got married two months ago, but only recently learned that his wife is transgender.

Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

The Indian accuses the newly-made relatives of deception. The newlyweds got married on April 28. The husband found out that his bride is not female, only after an examination by a gynecologist.

Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

He explained that when he wanted intimacy, his wife always refused, citing health problems. Soon the man began to suspect something was wrong. As a result, the Indian took his faithful to the doctor, where the whole truth was revealed.

Either a girl, or a vision: an Indian man sued his wife after learning that she was transgender

The lawsuit is made up of 8 people, including the parents of a transgender person, and the case is already under investigation. After clarifying the circumstances, certain actions will be taken by the law.

The statement states that the wife's genitals were not fully developed, so the couple did not enter into an intimate relationship. After receiving the results of a gynecological examination, the newly-made husband immediately turned to the police.

Now girls with the help of cosmetics and photoshop can trick any man around their finger. This happens especially often in social networks, where beautiful photos often turn out to be fake.

Keywords: India | Conflict | Asia | Wedding | Police | Family | Bride | Society | Husband | Wife | Sex | Accusation | Deception | Truth | Spouse | Transgender | News of the day

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