Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Categories: Culture | Exhibition

Spanish artist Borja Sanchez (Vorja Sanchez) can be called a modern Hieronymus Bosch. Of course, he is not as famous as the great Dutchman, but the fantastic creatures in Sanchez's paintings are no less interesting. They do not threaten people, but live their own unusual life, which we cannot understand.

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Borge Sanchez paints his pictures with watercolors on huge canvases and there are always a large number of characters and objects on them. If you see a small work by the artist, you can be sure that you have a sketch in front of you and somewhere there is an impressive canvas with this creature. However, sometimes Sanchez goes outside and creates murals on the walls of buildings and structures, also of solid sizes.

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

The paintings of this artist are definitely not to be confused with the works of others. The characters of his paintings are not just fantastic, but also incredibly complex creatures. If you zoom in on any of Sanchez's works, you can see a huge number of small details that fill the image with additional meaning, and sometimes reveal the author's intention.

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

Cute Monsters by Artist Borge Sanchez

This is what the father of good monsters, Borge Sanchez, looks like.

But the monsters of the French artist Olivier Villoin are not at all kind. They seem to have come from the pages of ancient Scandinavian epics.

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