15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Categories: History | Positive | World

It would seem that execution using the guillotine is something from the very distant past. But it was canceled in the same year when the first "Star Wars" came out! Can't believe it? And these are just the flowers: in this collection there are no less crazy facts that turn upside down the way we perceive time.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Count Dracula was the main character of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, published in 1897. In 1897, Coca-Cola, Levi Strauss & Co. and Nintendo already existed. Coca-Cola was founded in 1886 by Levi Strauss & Co. invented blue jeans in 1873, and in 1889 the company Nintendo appeared (but it was still far from consoles).

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

The Maya civilization is called an ancient civilization, but in fact it still existed at the time of the formation of most of the 13 American colonies. Tayasal, the last Mayan city-state, fell in 1697. By that time, all the American colonies had already been founded, with the exception of Georgia. The first, Virginia, was founded in 1607, and the last in 1732.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

James Earl Carter Jr., born October 1, 1924, was the 39th President of the United States, but the first president to be born in a hospital. Ironically, not all of Carter's successors were born in the hospital, including Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Moreover, at least seven American presidents were born in log houses, and this is more than were born in hospitals.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Harvard, founded in 1636, is one of the most respected universities in the world, but mathematical analysis was not taught there immediately, since Isaac Newton invented a new calculus only in 1665. That is, Harvard had already existed for almost 30 years by that time.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

George Washington was unaware of the existence of dinosaurs. The first American president died on December 14, 1799 - 25 years before William Buckland gave the scientific name to the first dinosaur in 1824.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

It is believed that the last woolly mammoths died in 1650 BC on Wrangel Island. The Great Pyramid of Giza had already existed for 1,000 years by that time.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

On January 10, 1863, the world's first underground railway opened in London, England. Wooden carriages with gas lighting, towed by steam locomotives, ran between Paddington and Farringdon. Meanwhile, the Emancipation Proclamation had just been passed in America, and the civil war was still going on.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

On September 10, 1977, Hamid Jandoubi was executed by guillotine in Marseille prison for the murder of his former lover Elizabeth Busquet. The next day, September 11, 1977, the French premiere of the film "Star Wars: Episode IV" took place at the Deauville Film Festival. A new hope." Jandubi was the last person in Europe sentenced to execution by beheading.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Matilda MccReer, who came to America as a result of the transatlantic slave trade on the ship "Clotilde", died in 1940 at the age of 83. Matilda was born in 1857 in Nigeria and was brought to Mobile, Alabama, at the age of two. After the abolition of slavery in 1865, she became a sharecropper and continued to work in Alabama with her mother and sister.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

The album Dark Side Of The Moon was released on March 1, 1973, and Picasso died a little more than a month later, on April 8, 1973. The album became an instant hit, so it's possible that Picasso heard a couple of songs before he died.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Tupac Shakur was one of the most outstanding rappers of the 90s, and his music is still loved. In 1991 (or 30 years ago) Tupac released his debut album 2Pacalypse Now, but just five years later, on September 13, 1996, the 25-year-old musician was killed. It turns out that Tupac has lived less than his debut album exists.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Ruby Bridges was the first African-American woman in the southern United States to enroll in a school for whites as part of desegregation. She is depicted in the famous photograph, in which she goes to school accompanied by four federal marshals, and in Norman Rockwell's painting "The Problem we all Live with" in 1960. Ruby is now 67 years old, she is an activist and talks about her experience on social networks, including Instagram.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

This seemingly completely insane assumption combines three facts at once. Firstly, the military feudal estate of samurai was abolished only in 1868, during the Meiji Restoration.

At the same time, the first fax machine was invented back in 1843 — Alexander Bain's "electric printed telegraph" was the predecessor of the fax machine, which we still use today. And finally, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater in Washington, April 15, 1865. So the samurai had 22 years to send a message to the American president.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. We don't know exactly when the university was founded, but by 1096, classes were already taking place there in one form or another. This means that Oxford University is almost 700 years older than America, 400 years older than the English language, 200 years older than the Aztec civilization and 100 years older than Magna Carta.

15 historical facts that allow you to look at time from a different angle

There is an expression in English — "the best thing that happened after the invention of sliced bread." So, it turns out that in fact sliced bread is the best thing that has happened since the birth of Betty White! On July 7, 1928, a bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri, was the first to offer sliced bread for sale. To do this, the bakery used an automatic bread slicer invented by Otto Frederik Rovedder. Actress Betty White was born on January 17, 1922, that is, it turns out that she is already six years older than bread slicing.

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