Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

Categories: Habit | Healthy lifestyle | Life hacks | Lifestyle | People | Science | Society | Water | World

Recently, our website published an article about parts of the body that should not be washed frequently. First of all, scientists, hairdressers, and other experts do not recommend washing your hair every day. With a strong desire, you can rinse with water, but the shampoo should be used as little as possible because it washes away the natural fat of the hair and over time they become dry and brittle. If you missed this article, here is a link - it tells about a few more parts of the body, regular washing of which is harmful to health. And now we invite you to talk about areas of the human body, which, on the contrary, require daily washing. Check yourself - do you follow the recommendations of experts?


Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

1. According to Health Digest, there are only three parts of the body that need to be washed every day: armpits, legs, and groin. Sandy Skotnicki, MD, says that keeping these areas clean can prevent itchiness and a range of skin conditions. This seems to be true - we checked several other sources, and they also talk about these areas.

Let's find out why experts single out these particular areas and what will happen if you do not monitor their purity.

Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

2. Taking a bath or shower every day is not recommended, but the hygiene of some parts of the body must be carefully monitored

How to wash your armpits and what is the danger of their pollution
First of all, daily care requires armpits. This part of the body is exposed to friction and poorly ventilated, which is why germs multiply there. According to scientists, there are especially many Staphylococcus hominis bacteria in the human armpits, which process sweat and form thiol hydrocarbon radicals - they are the cause of an unpleasant odor. In addition to bacteria, dirt, dead skin cells and deodorant residue accumulate in the armpits, which must be removed in a timely manner.

You need to wash your armpits with soap - it removes accumulated sweat and deodorant. This should be done with light massaging movements for about a minute. After that, soap and dirt must be washed off with a stream of water, and the armpits should be wiped with a dry towel.

Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

3. Washing your underarms regularly can get rid of bad breath

Some may have a question: do I need to shave my armpits? On the one hand, hair is not a source of unpleasant odor. On the other hand, they clearly trap dirt and can contribute to the deterioration of the stench. Therefore, everyone is advised to shave their armpits, even men. Instead of disposable razors, some people use durable T-shape razors, which usually do the job much better. Also, to facilitate washing, you can buy an automatic soap dispenser, it is not as expensive as it might seem, but here is a good option. More similar products can be found on this Telegram channel.

If you do not monitor the cleanliness of the armpits, the consequences are obvious - the person will stink. Due to the accumulation of dirt, the armpits can itch, the skin may itch, and so on.

Of course, you also need to wash your hands every day. Here's how to do it right.

How to wash your feet and what means
Another very dirty part of the body is the feet. If a person is used to walking barefoot, dirt sticks to his sole: dust, leftover food, animal hair, and much more. But even if a person wears socks, slippers, and other shoes every day, his feet constantly sweat and bacteria multiply on them.

Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

4. Feet are one of the dirtiest parts of the body and need to be washed regularly.

If you do not wash your feet regularly, they start to smell unpleasantly of cheese - we have a separate article about this. It is believed that the unpleasant smell of the feet is associated with the activity of four types of bacteria: corynebacteria, micrococci, propionic acid bacteria, and staphylococci. In general, they are not dangerous, but rather help to maintain healthy skin. But if you do not wash your feet daily, over time, the smell can take on sour shades - this is a reason to be wary because a fungus can develop on your feet.

Convenient soap dispenser

As in the case of underarms, the legs should be cleaned with soap. You can make it a little harder using a washcloth. Especially a lot of attention should be paid to the areas between the fingers - where the most dirt accumulates. After washing, the feet should be wiped dry.

IMPORTANT: experts recommend changing the washcloth every two months. They are different - there are washcloths in the form of "lumps" that do not take up much space and are easy to use, here is an inexpensive option. Soft fur washcloths are also very popular - this is a natural and body-friendly material.

If you do not wash your feet every day, a person can start to repel others with their unpleasant smell, as well as suffering from a fungus that is difficult to get rid of.

Body Parts That Should Be Washed Every Day - Scientifically Proven

5. Bath mat that absorbs all the moisture after a shower

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Genital hygiene
Finally, experts strongly recommend daily monitoring of genital hygiene. In both women and men, various bacteria can multiply in the intimate areas of the body - this can lead not only to skin irritation but also cause many diseases.

In no case should women use soap during washing - this can cause the growth of pathogenic bacteria. OB/GYN Tami Rowen compared it to rinse your mouth with soap, meaning the consequences would be dire.

Men are advised to pay more attention to hygiene because they often neglect it.
Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of the genital organs for men. The fact is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane of the genital organs in males is several times smaller, which is why they neglect washing. But you need to take a light shower daily, and instead of regular soap, it is better to use a baby, more gentle option.

It was interesting. Then check out our Zen channel and read other articles! Also, don't forget about our Telegram channel with article announcements and a chat with subscribers

Finally, it is worth noting that we have another similar article: “What happens if you stop washing forever?”. There are also many interesting facts, highly recommended reading!

Keywords: Body parts | Human body | Healthy life | Having baths | Washing | Science | Hygiene

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