Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Categories: Culture | North America | Social Networks | World

Cinema and literature inspire us that love is a sublime and pure feeling that makes people happy. That's right, but the relationship between a man and a woman is not only hugs in the moonlight, roses and poems, but also the prose of everyday life. An artist from Los Angeles, Amanda Oleander, decided to be extremely truthful in her work and show what modern art prefers to hide.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Amanda Oleander works at home and her audience is not visitors to galleries and exhibitions, but network users. The girl posts her work on Instagram, and sometimes even shoots the drawing process for Periscope, where she has 500 thousand subscribers.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

The style of Oleander's works is easily recognizable — her illustrations are childishly naive and even primitive, but imbued with warmth and love. The girl draws what she sees every day — people going about their business, playing or chatting, children, animals, the bustle of a big city and much more.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

A special place in her work is occupied by the relationship between a man and a woman — most of the works are dedicated specifically to couples in love.

Oleander's creations are valuable not only for their warmth, but also for the fact that each of us can recognize ourselves or our friends on them. Don't you believe it?

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Amanda, sometimes, humorously shows intimate moments from the life of couples, but these sketches do not cause irritation or embarrassment.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

In real life, lovers sleep quite differently than in movies.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Familiar situations, don't you think?

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Pleasant moments can be arranged for yourself at any time and in any place.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Have you never done this before? And to be honest?

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Sooner or later, it happens in the life of every couple.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

No one is perfect, although you need to strive for it.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Long hair is not only beautiful, but also pleasant.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

Oleander also has bloody scenes in stock.

Behind the scenes of love: an American artist paints a real relationship

And many, many scenes with cute expressions of care and attention.

And don't say that you didn't recognize yourself and your soulmate in at least two or three of Amanda's paintings.

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