Beautiful drops: 12 examples of gulali
Categories: Nature
By Pictolic guttaciej is a selection of drops of SAP (xylem) on the tips or edges of leaves of some vascular plants, such as herbs. But do not confuse guttaciej with dew, which condenseries from the atmosphere on the surface of plants.
We present you a selection of extraordinary examples of natural drops that appeared as a result of gulali — amazing natural phenomena.
1. The guttaciej (from lat. gutta — "drop") — the process of removing water in the form of drops of liquid on the surface of plants heatedly. (Author: Luc Viatour)
2. At night, the evaporation does not occur, because the stomata (pores in the leaves, stems and other organs that are used for gas exchange) of most plants are closed in the night. (Author: RUTH JENSEN)
3. When there is a high level of soil moisture, the water penetrates to the roots of plants, as the water potential of the roots is less than dirt. (Author: NOAH ELHARDT)
4. Water accumulates in the plant, creating a slight pressure in the root. (Author: TANAKAWHO)
5. Root pressure leads to the release of water through special openings on the leaf tips (hydathode or water glands), forming droplets. (Author: URSULA ROSEEU)
6. Root pressure (osmotic pressure in the cells of the root system, which leads to the movement of SAP from roots to leaves) provides this movement, preventing immediate evaporation of water from the roots. (Author: Hanson59)
7. Weak illumination, high humidity contribute to gulali. (Author: Dohduhdah)
8. The guttaciej very common in many plants of tropical rainforests and is often observed on the tips of the leaves of young seedlings. (Author: Ies)
9. (Author: AlexRK)
10. (Author: nz_willowherb)
11. (Author: JOHN PETRANKA)
12. (Author: LUC VIATOUR)
Keywords: Drops | Plants | Grass
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