Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

Categories: Positive

There are many reasons why plants can have unusual and strange shapes. For example, a deformity in the early stages of growth or an artificially altered shape. But in this collection, all the vegetables and fruits are naturally so ... strange.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

Do you think that carrots are all the same? A reddish-orange vegetable rich in carotene? Well, you'll be surprised. It seems that some carrots do not know that they are plants at all, and imagine themselves to be intergalactic rescuers. No, this is not nonsense, these are very good examples of the fact that even fruits and vegetables, sometimes, want to be someone else.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

1. Valyazhnaya radish.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

2. Clubmedvednika.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

3. The Intergalactic Ranger. More precisely, carrot in the role of Buzz Lightyear from "Toy Story".

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

4. Tomato duck.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

5. A happy eggplant that just wants to hug you.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

6. Radish and carrot take a bath. Can I not be disturbed?

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

7. Pumpkin-goose.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

8. The evil tomato is Satan. He's obviously up to something.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

9. Potato-bear.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

10. Eggplant Pinocchio.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

11. Pumpkin-duck.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

12. Peppers are terrified.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

13. Rabbit-tomato.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

14. Fleeing radish.

Fancy radish and other fruits-vegetables that have forgotten that they are plants

15. Eggplant with an elongated face.

Keywords: Plants | Positive | Vegetables | Fruits

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