Assistant under the bed and the night with the bride's aunt - strange marriage traditions of African tribes
Categories: Asia | Culture | Lifestyle | People | Relationship | Tradition | World
By Vika countries have their own characteristics of the first wedding night. Some of them go into oblivion, while others are passed on to new generations.
In developed countries, newlyweds after the wedding are left alone in a room or apartment, where they spend their wedding night as they wish. It is customary for Muslims to read prayers before marriage seclusion. However, wedding rituals are not so harmless in all countries, and the traditions of African tribes can be called the strongest.
1. Berbers
The newlyweds of this tribe have to spend their wedding night in the company of other couples. Most often, for these purposes, people who have recently married are invited to teach young people what to do in private. It is believed that a large and experienced company will help relieve unnecessary tension and defuse the situation because spouses do not always know each other before the wedding.
2. Assistant under the bed
In Swahili culture, the marriage decision is made by the relatives of the newlyweds. They are guided by their own personal goals, not caring at all about the wishes of their children. Therefore, on the wedding night, completely unfamiliar and sometimes even unpleasant to each other people are forcibly left alone.
In order for them to properly fulfill their marital duty, a relative of the bride is under the bed. She is obliged to give recommendations to the young - what needs to be done, and in the morning it is she who has the honor of taking the sheet with the blood of the bride to her parents.
3. Dance of the innocent
It is customary among the Zulu people before the wedding night for young people to arrange dances among relatives. The culmination of the celebration is the dance of the bride herself, who must raise her legs as high as possible. Her mother peeks under her skirt in the process to make sure her daughter is marrying an innocent. Of course, it is almost impossible to determine the daughter's chastity in this way, so the ritual is considered to be more of an ordinary formality, passed down from generation to generation.
4. Relationship with aunt
Among the people of the Banyankole tribe, the groom spends his wedding night not with his bride, but with her aunt. It is believed that an experienced relative should make sure that the groom is physically healthy and strong for a relationship with the bride. Also, the aunt gives practical advice to the future husband if he is not experienced enough in relationships.
5. Night of waiting
In Namibia, preparing for a wedding is considered a complex and lengthy process, taking at least 1 year. The solemn day is celebrated on a large scale, but at the end of the evening, the newlyweds go home.
According to tradition, they have to spend a day away from each other, and only for the 2nd night do they get the opportunity to be alone. It is noteworthy that before the birth of 2 children, the marriage union is not considered official, so the wedding day is more of a mere formality.
Keywords: Different countries | New generations | Asia | Africa | Culture | Tradition | Marriage | Wedding traditions | Wedding night | African tribes | Marriage traditions
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