As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

Categories: Celebrities | Healthy lifestyle

We are accustomed to the fact that the political commentator Vladimir Solovyov — a trim, energetic man, as they say, in the Prime of life. Only a few people know that before anchor weighed 150 kgs and the height is 174 cm Solovyov few have seen, because it was before he came to work on television. How was he able to lose weight up to 80 kg, to which we are accustomed?

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

To bring myself up to Vladimir Solovyov has managed in just a year. He was struggling, as if nothing happened, we hardly knew him. At stake was a brilliant career, fame and dizzying salary, therefore, was not a sin and try.

To normalize the weight, the TV presenter managed through proper diet and exercise. And, of course, we should not ignore the powerful motivation, which we wrote above. The journalist made no secret of his weight loss — he has published two books "Minus 80 pounds! Who is the greatest?" and "nightingales against Soloveva. To lose weight or lose weight?", which shares his experience.

First Vladimir Rudol'fovich completely changed his diet. No, he didn't use trendy clever diet — power system Solovyov was simple and was designed specifically for him, with the main emphasis on weight reduction. Work involved constant calorie counting and the observance of their daily requirement.

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

An important requirement was... no prohibitions on any products. Solovyov believes that forcing themselves into the rigid framework and flatly refusing something beloved and familiar, we just provoked the failure which would negate all the achievements. Day Vladimir started with a glass of water and tried before bedtime drink at least 2 liters. Well, the dinner itself Solovyov arranged, as recommended by doctors 3 hours before you go to bed.

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

Among minor, but nonetheless important recommendations of the presenter is worth noting the Board has no less than 5 times a day in small portions, limit alcohol consumption and be sure to sleep well. And, of course, couldn't have done it without properly organized physical activities.

In his books on losing weight Solovyov writes that no diet will yield quick results without exercise. The author focuses on the fact that to exhaust itself with trainings also should not be. People with overweight should begin work on a caution, for example, plie squats and long walks. Can be effective even exercises performed in bed — the main thing is to practice regularly, not allowing yourself any favors.

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

Progress on a method Solovyov, a gradual increase of tempo, repetitions, training time. Vladimir R. not merely the fitness training he plays tennis, soccer, and karate hall visits.

As the TV host Vladimir Solovyov managed to lose weight nearly twice

The presenter argues that simple physical exercise without the proper diet to achieve quick results will not work. The method is valid only if a comprehensive combination of nutrition and workouts.

In the system which is used for weight loss Soloviev, there is nothing unusual and it requires only determination and willpower. But there are more extravagant ways to fight obesity, which is rarely heard.

Keywords: Proteins | Calories | Technique | Gear | Weight loss | TV presenters | TV

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