As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

Categories: Celebrities | History

Agata Mallowan, better known under the pseudonym of Agatha Christie, had a refined mind and a vivid imagination, thanks to which became the most popular writer of the twentieth century.

An active imagination helped her not only in the creation of detective stories, but in real life. Once she got to teach a lesson to the wife of the traitor.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

As the marriage turned into a detective story

Agatha met her future husband Archibald Christie in 22 years. They were both invited to a dinner party. Soon the gallant Lieutenant made her an offer. Two years later, the young people became husband and wife. Archibald had a successful career in the First world. He returned from the war with the rank of Colonel. In 1919 the couple had a daughter called Rosalind.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

By the time Agatha managed to publish several novels that brought her fame. It seemed that the family idyll will last forever. There were no signs of trouble. Until one day in 1926, the husband said that he wants to divorce. It turned out that Archibald Harbor feelings for another lady. Agatha was as shocked as every other woman in this situation. She responded in the spirit of the famous detectives.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

Instead of venturing a scandal with tears, reproaches, consolations of her friends, she conceived a sophisticated revenge. Queen detectives warned the Secretary that he was leaving in a few days. She got in the car and went somewhere. Morning Morris was found on the shore of the lake silent Pool. Police found in the cabin of a fur coat, a suitcase and no sign of the writer.

A police investigation, and the ubiquitous reporters

The mysterious disappearance of the famous writer stirred up the public. The Newspapers were full of provocative headlines. Colonel Archibald Christie was under suspicion. Police became aware of his affair on the side. Detectives watched the house, listened to the phone. The husband of the writer put in a very awkward position.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

The police thoroughly researched body of water on whose Bank they found the car of the writer. Divers searched the seabed in search of the body, dragged the water networks. The stiff British followed the detective intrigue, expressed his own version of what happened. To search for the Queen of the detective joined hundreds of volunteers.

At some point, police said the woman who stayed at the hotel of the provincial town of Harrogate. In the register it was marked as coming from Cape town Mrs. Neely.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

The detective, who was tasked to verify the information, two days secretly watched the lodger. Somehow information about Mrs. Neely became known to the press. The journalist of "the daily news" did not care about the conspiracy. He unceremoniously approached the newcomer from Cape town, turning to her, "Mrs. Agatha". The writer realized that her cover was blown. She kindly gave an interview skillfully avoiding uncomfortable questions.

Personal life of Agatha Christie

A detective story of the disappearance caused much anxiety to the wrong spouse. Agatha masterly revenge for the affair and filed for divorce. Prudish Englishmen long remembered the mysterious disappearance.

The reputation of Colonel I said. The society remembers him as a suspect in the murder of his wife, and not a war hero and honored warrior.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

Four years later in Agatha Christie's began a new relationship. In 1930, in Iraq she met a talented archaeologist. Max Mallowan was younger sweetheart for 14 years. But during the marriage the couple hide the age difference.

As Agatha Christie was schooled spree husband

The rest of your life the lovers lived in perfect harmony, without incident and disappearances. The curious writer gladly accompanied the archaeologist in his studies on the Middle East.

Keywords: Agatha Christie | Biography | Personal life | Revenge | Writer

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