Animals are masters of disguise

Animals are masters of disguise

Categories: Animals

In the wild, survival can be a real challenge, especially if you're smaller or slower than your potential predators. Therefore, many species have developed different methods of camouflage. These methods are different for everyone, but mainly depend on three factors: the physiology and behavior of the animal, the physiology and behavior of the predator, and the habitat in which this animal lives and hunts. The easiest way is to blend in with the background. In addition, each new generation adapts to the ability to disguise better and better. Usually animals imitate the color of their environment, although some animals are able to take on this color on themselves - for example, the well-known chameleons. The most surprising, but often the best way to hide is to stay in the crowd, because when a lion looks at a herd of zebras, he sees only a black and white striped mass. In short, here are the best examples of animals that have mastered various methods of disguise to perfection.

(Total 21 photos)

Animals are masters of disguise

Animals are masters of disguise

1. Owl.

Animals are masters of disguise

2. Flat-tailed Madagascar gecko.

Animals are masters of disguise

3. He is.

Animals are masters of disguise

4. White partridge.

Animals are masters of disguise

5. Toads.

Animals are masters of disguise

6. Caterpillar.

Animals are masters of disguise

7. Seahorse.

Animals are masters of disguise

8. Spider.

Animals are masters of disguise

9. Another caterpillar with the long name Adelpha Serpa Selerio.

Animals are masters of disguise

10. Stick insects.

Animals are masters of disguise

11. Frog.

Animals are masters of disguise

12. Again an owl.

Animals are masters of disguise

13. Baby stick insect Tropidoderus Childrenii.

Animals are masters of disguise

14. Leaf-tailed gecko.

Animals are masters of disguise

15. Two-tone flounder.

Animals are masters of disguise

16. Large forest nightjar.

Animals are masters of disguise

17. Irbis.

Animals are masters of disguise

18. Grasshopper.

Animals are masters of disguise

19. Owl.

Animals are masters of disguise

20. Giraffe.

Animals are masters of disguise

21. Hedgehog

Keywords: Disguise | Mimicry

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