Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Categories: Nature

Some of the caterpillars of the family Geometridae (Geometridae) got an interesting defense mechanism. Usually, caterpillar painted in the color of the plants on which they feed. There are interesting instances in the evolution of mimicry went further than others, such as Nemoriinae Tribe. Caterpillar disguises your body with flower petals or leaves, attaching them with a silk thread. When the petals wither, the caterpillar builds again on his body a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Every creature in nature, whose life is an endless struggle for survival, tends to become less visible to those who see him as their potential prey. And the helpless object of desire ubiquitous predators, the great miracles he shows ingenuity in trying to merge with the environment.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Caterpillar to butterfly Synchlora aerata of the family Geometridae is no exception: she tries to disguise itself so that some greedy bird and thought to do that before her – juicy booty. But unlike their less sophisticated cousins, who pretend to be twigs, pieces of bark or dry leaves, she makes this beautiful and tasteful.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Caterpillar Synchlora aerata chooses bright flowers and decorates their petal-your body using a glue liquid silk. When floral outfit loses its freshness and appeal, it resets it and wears new bright and fragrant.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Moth got its name due to the peculiar way of moving their caterpillars. Butterfly, like caterpillars, have a masking color to the color of the leaves or bark of trees and feature a slender body. The wings are very thin, wide, alone lying flat. Antennae of males are often pinnate, females always thin, setiform. On the underside of leaves of host plants of the caterpillars in the middle of summer butterflies lay eggs from which emerge inchworm and eat until the end of summer.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Caterpillars of moths harm the plants, forests, fruit orchards.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Themselves caterpillars of moths only 1.5 inches.

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower


Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Of mimicry: a Caterpillar-flower

Keywords: Nature | Insects | Mimicry | Caterpillar | Foliage

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