An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

Categories: Life hacks | North America

Mosquitoes are a real scourge of summer, including for half of the USA, where millions of people lose countless hours of healthy sleep, irritated by annoying buzzing and an unbearable desire to comb themselves all over.

There are many ways to fight the flying scourge. However, for those who live in places with high humidity, it is clearly impossible to do with a body spray against a cloud of mosquitoes that immediately cling from head to toe.

Therefore, Dan Rojas, the host of a YouTube channel called GreenPowerScience, discovered an environmentally friendly way to rid the world of several thousand mosquitoes in just one night.

(10 photos in total)

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

Dan Rojas, host of the GreenPowerScience YouTube channel.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

In the center of this ingenious plan are two industrial fans, into the powerful air flow of which the bloodsuckers get.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

A net is placed on the fans, on which mosquitoes settle. It is also needed so that nothing superfluous gets into the working mechanism — dust, beetles, leaves.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

And the bait is Rocky the pit bull, whom Rojas saved a few years ago. The dog prefers to sleep outside in an aviary, on both sides of which Rojas puts fans. Moreover, not a single mosquito reaches Rocky.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

However, all these tricks do not necessarily kill mosquitoes. Then the last resort comes into play — medical alcohol. Rojas sprays a net with stuck insects from a bottle. Alcohol evaporates quickly and lizards, ants and other animals come to an unprecedented feast.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

Carbonated water can be used as bait by placing a slightly open bottle between the fans so that insects can smell bubbles with carbon dioxide.

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

An American Kills 4,000 Mosquitoes Every Night Using His Dog as Bait

In his video, Rojas warns that the manufacturers of fans do not recommend leaving them running all night, but the "winner of mosquitoes" has never had problems with them over many years of use.

In total, Rojas kills several thousand mosquitoes in one night — once he counted 4 thousand.

Keywords: Mosquitoes | Insects | USA

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