9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

Categories: World

Selling virginity implies entering into an intimate relationship, which means it is equated with prostitution. And although there are well-established traditions in the history of the culture of different peoples, which in one way or another include bargaining, loss of innocence and payment (for example, the mizuage ritual in Japan), today the sale of the right to the “first night” seems, to put it mildly, wild.

Of course, different girls have completely different life circumstances, but they all find themselves in a situation of acute financial need. And they decide on a rather extravagant deal. In a society where sexual behavior is fairly free, some wealthy people are not at all opposed to spending several hundred thousand rubles for the opportunity to deflorate. The amounts, of course, reach exorbitant values. We present 9 stories about the most expensive innocences in the world.

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

9th place Student Rosie Reid, 18

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

In 2004, 18-year-old Englishwoman Rosie Reid of the University of Bristol sold her virginity to pay for her studies. "Product" was put up for online auction. More than 400 people responded to the offer, from which Rosie selected five suitable candidates and after personal meetings with them chose the 44-year-old British Telecom engineer as the winner. For a night with a student, a man gave 8,400 pounds.

It is known that at this time, Rosie met with another girl who was waiting outside the door all the time while Reed "handed over the goods."

8th place Student Alina Percha, 18 years old

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

Romanian Alina Percha, at the age of 18, sold her virginity to also pay for her education. From the sale of innocence, the girl managed to gain 8,800 pounds (by the way, at the current rate, this is a little less than 1 million rubles, and at the time of the transaction it would have turned out to be 450 thousand). The buyer was a 45-year-old Italian businessman. Before X-day, the girl specially passed two medical examinations to prove that this sex would actually be her first.

As Alina herself said, the Italian turned out to be much younger than she expected, "he didn't even have a beer belly."

7th place 18-year-old girl from Krasnoyarsk

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

“I will sell my virginity, the amount of 800,000 rubles is needed. I need the money urgently, so I'm selling the most intimate. Agree to meet even tomorrow! Agree to check. Here is an advertisement destined for success.

Yevgeny Volnov, a well-known prankster from Runet, agreed to such an extravagant offer, paying even more than the due amount - 900 thousand rubles.

6th place

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

In 2010, a New Zealand student, known only by her nickname UniGirl, found herself in a difficult financial situation. Why do you think? That's right - she had absolutely nothing to pay for her university education. The girl found a way out of the situation by selling her virginity at an online auction for 32 thousand dollars. The final price brought the girl into a real shock, and in the comments she admitted that she had not even counted on such luck.

5th place Cathy Cobblerson, 24

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

Katie Cobblerson broke all records by selling her virginity on eBay in 2004 for $100,000. The ad was quickly removed, and the fate of Katie's virginity is unknown. Perhaps she managed to make a deal using the site of a less popular auction.

4th place Student Katarina Miglorini, 20 years old

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

Not all girls decide to sell the most intimate because of their studies. 20-year-old student Catarina Miglorini from Brazil made a deal to help the people of her hometown. The virginity of the girl was bought by a Japanese named Natsu, who paid an unrealistic amount of 780 thousand dollars. To win the bidding, he had to confront two American businessmen for a long time.

The money raised by Katarina was invested in the construction of houses for the socially unprotected segments of the population of her city.

3rd place Elizabeth Rain, 27 years old

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

The mysterious medical student Lee Rain approached the sale of innocence very responsibly. She herself created the perfect site for the auction, where a separate page was occupied by the text with the prescribed terms of the transaction. One of them was that 35% of the sale would be guaranteed to go towards providing education for women in underdeveloped countries. The site also contained a gallery of semi-nude photographs of Elizabeth.

Bidding continued for a painfully long time, but in 2014, when the price rose to 801 thousand dollars, the girl refused the deal and quickly turned the shop.

2nd place Model Graciela Yatako, 18 years old

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

In 2005, Peruvian model Graciela Yatako found herself in a difficult position. The girl urgently needed money for the treatment of her mother and younger brother. She could not earn a huge amount of modeling work, and then she took a desperate step and put her innocence on an online auction. When an American businessman offered the girl $1.5 million, she was quick to back out of the deal.

“This is not a trick at all, and I was absolutely serious in my proposal,” the girl later said. “Besides, I tried to draw public attention to the plight of the people of Peru.”

1st Natalie Dylan, 22

9 stories of the most expensive virginity sales

Natalie Dylan put her virginity up for auction in 2008 through legal online brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch. For a kind of “product”, the girl received an offer of $ 3.7 million. On them, she planned to pay for her studies at the magistracy and, apparently, something else. The girl announced the auction publicly on the Howard Stern show.

Keywords: Auction | Virgin | Girls | Money | Innocence | Sale

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