Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Categories: World

I bet you've had a dream at least once in which your teeth fall out. This is one of the most popular queries in search engines and dream books. And all because there is an opinion that this dream is a harbinger of bad events. Let's see if this is true and is it worth being afraid of such a dream?

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

In many ancient societies, dreams were equated with divine intervention in human life. It was believed that with the help of dreams, higher powers transmit certain messages to the Earth. And only some people endowed with spiritual powers could interpret their meaning.

So there were numerous dream books that exist to this day. And that's what they say about dreams in which a person's teeth fall out.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Teeth are a symbol of experiences and loss of vital energy. If you dream of having your teeth pulled out, it speaks of the fear of losing someone close to you. If your teeth just fall out, it means you are too distracted and indecisive on the way to achieving an important goal. Decaying and diseased teeth can indicate health problems.

If you have a toothache in a dream, you may soon have to solve some personal problems. To see emptiness in place of a tooth leads to loss of vitality.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

According to this dream book, clean and beautiful teeth symbolize health and well-being. Sick teeth, on the contrary, indicate that soon a person will have a disease or serious problems. If the teeth fall out and blood appears at the same time, then you will soon have to bury someone from your loved ones.

When a person dreams of a mouth with practically no teeth, it means that fate has prepared for him a lonely old age.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Spit out teeth in a dream - to diseases, yours or your loved ones. In general, any dream where you are left without teeth, even if the dentist removes them– is a harbinger of troubles. Most likely, soon someone will get sick or you will be in big trouble.

If you brush or rinse your teeth in a dream, then you will have to fight for your happiness. To lose a tooth - soon a heavy burden will fall on your shoulders, because of which your pride will suffer. It is noteworthy that the number of teeth that have fallen out also matters: one tooth leads to bad news, two to failures, three to serious problems, all to great grief.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Freud interpreted the dream about teeth in his signature style. He believed that such a dream is not prophetic, but simply indicates sexual desires and allows you to better reveal your inner self. For example, a toothache in a dream, in his opinion, may indicate a desire to engage in self-satisfaction. To see a tooth fall out means the fear of getting punished for masturbation.

If a woman dreamed of teeth, then she wants to have children. Healthy and strong teeth, according to Freud, indicate that you envy the harmonious sexual relations of your acquaintances.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Loff believed that dreams associated with the loss of teeth do not have any mystical background. According to the psychoanalyst, such dreams rather indicate certain experiences that you experience in real life. Perhaps you have to perform in public, and you are afraid of "losing face". Or you are just afraid of being in an awkward situation and are very embarrassed.

Also, the causes of dreams about teeth may have a purely physical component – gnashing teeth in a dream or their increased sensitivity.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Tsvetkov believed that it is of great importance how exactly you lost a tooth in a dream. If it was torn out, expect that an unpleasant person will disappear from life in the near future. If a tooth is knocked out, a series of failures is possible. In the case when you dream that your teeth fall out by themselves, without blood, you will have a deterioration in relations with your loved ones; with blood, one of your relatives will die.

Clean and white teeth according to Tsvetkov's dream book indicate good health, sick and rotten portend a quarrel, artificial ones indicate that your partner is lying to you and is fake in a relationship.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Rotten teeth in a dream mean illness. If you see a tooth being pulled out, it means that you will soon decide on a difficult and important step. If a tooth falls out by itself, without pain, hopes will collapse, and promises will remain promises.

If you dreamed of artificial teeth, perhaps you rely heavily on the opinion of other people. If so, reconsider your attitude to it, otherwise your dreams will never come true.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

According to Velez's dream book, beautiful healthy teeth can indicate the imminent arrival of relatives. If you see in a dream how your teeth are treated, it is important to pay attention to their number. To treat one tooth means to get a promotion, two – to a pleasant meeting, many – to win in court or another significant victory, all - a loved one will recover after a prolonged illness.

If, on the contrary, one or more teeth have fallen out, this portends large losses, possibly loss of business. It may also indicate a disease: tooth loss without blood – the death of a distant relative, with blood – a close one.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

In the Islamic dream book, teeth are health, well-being and a symbol of a long life. The more teeth you lose in your sleep, the longer you will live. At the same time, if a tooth falls into your hands, life will be rich and cloudless.

But there is an alternative interpretation, in which the loss of teeth means the loss of loved ones. If the right incisor falls out, the father will die, the fang is the head of the family, the left incisor is the father's brother. If all the teeth have fallen out, then you will live the longest life in the family.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

In an esoteric dream book, losing teeth means saying goodbye to useless and unimportant people in your life. If you were bleeding at the time of tooth loss, perhaps this separation will be quite painful.

There are many other dream books and interpretations of this dream, but it is important not to forget that a dream is just a dream. The fact that the loss of teeth is accompanied by fear or horror is not at all surprising, because for our ancestors to remain without teeth meant hunger, and therefore imminent death.

Why do you dream of losing teeth and is it worth being afraid of such a dream

Psychological research has shown that men can dream of teeth after unpleasant situations associated with the loss of the status of "male". For example, when he could not defend himself, his interests, or after an incident occurred in bed.

Women can also have such dreams against the background of sexual experiences. Losing teeth in a dream can be a way to "punish yourself" for the guilt that a woman feels for her secret desires or feelings.

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