8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

Categories: Art | Culture | Exhibition | History | Society | Technology | World

Even years after they were completed, famous works of art continue to puzzle us. Their strange and obscure details have caused much speculation. However, thanks to improved technology, we are getting closer to discovering the truth about many of these mysterious creations.

We are here to share with you 8 secret details of famous paintings that we thought we already knew everything about.


8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

1. Music inside the Last Supper.

Da Vinci's work is known for its hidden meanings and codes. A computer technician in Italy claims to have discovered a hidden anthem in The Last Supper by placing a musical note on top of every loaf of bread. Even more amazing is that when this melody is played, it is in perfect musical harmony.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

2. Hidden self-portrait of the artist.

Hiding self-portraits in your own work is not uncommon for artists. Sometimes, however, it can take years before they are discovered. After further analysis, experts were able to find this rare and unique self-portrait of Caravaggio himself, hidden in one of his most famous works. The artist is depicted sitting in a decanter, drawing on an easel.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

3. Greek myth behind the art.

Wood's seemingly idyllic painting of a couple of farmers looks OK until we take a closer look. The woman's brooch is an image of the Greek character Persephone, who was kidnapped by the king of the underworld, Hades. It is no coincidence, then, that a man holds a pitchfork, like those often depicted in Hades, which he holds in classical art.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

4. Imaginary flowers and plants.

Artists surprise us time and time again with how much detail they can put into their work. La Primavera Botticelli is no different. The painting depicts 500 known plant species, painted with incredible attention to detail. However, there are also species that continue to baffle experts, which may be hybrids of existing ones or wholly fictional.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

5. Anatomy in the work of Michelangelo.

Michelangelo was not only an excellent artist but also a genius in anatomy. His work The Creation of Adam has often been the subject of speculation due to the fact that God's cape resembled the shape of the human brain. It is well known that Michelangelo was not the greatest admirer of the church of his time and may have added such detail on purpose to take revenge on the church.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

6. 2 faces of an old fisherman.

Many paintings can deceive the viewer's eye when viewed from a certain angle. The work Old Fisherman Chontvari Koshtka tells the story of not one, but two different characters, once split in two, and both sides are reflected. On the one hand, it seems that a pious person is in prayer, and on the other, a frightening figure, reminiscent of the devil swimming in a stormy sea.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

7. Aliens and floating objects.

Madonna with Saint Giovannino is without a doubt one of the most enigmatic paintings. Not only are experts still arguing over who painted the piece, but it also has some suspicious-looking details. A hovering object in the background with a man staring at it in surprise has led many to wonder if the artist believes in life beyond Earth.

8 hidden signs that show a new side of famous paintings

8. Secret cameo of the devil.

During the restoration of Giotto's frescoes in a church in Assisi, Italy, the restorers made an unexpected discovery: they found a face that looked like a devil, hidden in the clouds of one of the frescoes. Experts believe that Giotto may have painted the face there for his own amusement, or even to make fun of someone he didn't have a good relationship with.

Keywords: Hidden signs | Famous paintings | Art | Artists | Details | Technology | Famous works of art

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