7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Categories: Asia | Nations | Society

Not only as the Republic of Korea, Country of morning freshness, the economic miracle, a country of four seasons. Koreans love beauty and strive to be the best. Their traditions, which are very long remained unchanged, as well as possible contribute to this aspiration.

Of course, there's a flip side. The dynamic development of the economy turned for Koreans with chronic stress. But even in these conditions the life of the population of South Korea flows by the same rules as their ancestors. We offer you to get acquainted with the main and unchanged traditions of the Country of morning freshness.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Competition from the cradle

The life of every Korean is based on competition. Childhood flies for textbooks, extra classes. A successful student is more likely to continue their education at a prestigious University. Young professionals working 12 hours to show the best score and move up the career ladder. Vacation is not more than a week out of the year.

7 immutable rules of life in South KoreaThe competitive spirit overshadows even friendship. Students do not share their "homework", not tell each other. Similarly, students are not allowed to deduct even best friends. At work it is normal to squeal on a colleague, made a mistake. The Koreans are a young age living in constant stress. Children constantly compare myself to others, afraid to be worse.

Education follows the same principles. Here parents are not comforting, not encouraging offspring. On the contrary, constantly motivate, citing the example of more successful classmate. The motto throughout life: "to Succeed at any cost!". Perhaps in this lies the secret of the economic miracle of South Korea.

The importance of external perfection

In South Korea, it is impossible to dismiss standards of beauty. Almost a quarter (20%) yesterday's Schoolgirls go to the hospital right after prom. It is normal to give her daughter for adulthood a certificate for plastic surgery.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

The fashion for plastic surgery has arisen by chance. In South Korean society, the conventional wisdom that a specialist has more chances to get a good job.

Obedience to elders

Another constant value of Korean society, which is instilled from the cradle. Respect for elders here know how unquestioning obedience. Introduction always begins with finding out the age of the participants. Senior companion automatically has authority. The younger are obliged to show deference, to listen to every word the eldest.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Particularly strongly expressed, the hierarchy of subordination in the workplace. Subordinates simply no way out, if the boss wanted after a long and busy day to visit the bar together with the team.

The protest – to encourage development

From time to time street protests excite South Korea. The participants of the protest movement speak on any occasion: from the drawn out investigation of the crash of the ferry to the problems of sexual minorities. While young Koreans once the rally. You need to make a career, trying to win the race General competition.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Individuality is not respected

In South Korea it is not customary to stand out. Here to look and live just like thousands of other Koreans. In the study valued the knowledge of the material, not their own opinion.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Pupils, students memorize whole pages of textbooks. Of course, such an approach looks ridiculous in the study of the Humanities, but it does not bother anyone. Students of the faculty of philosophy of the bison material with the same zeal, as students of physico-mathematical schools.

The problem is a personal matter

The country's economic miracle are not made to share problems. Koreans never pour out the soul, no matter how difficult they did not have. Competition from the day inevitably causes stress, which is necessary to cope on their own.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Most Koreans relax in bars, where to go after work to miss the glass. Start to drink with students. Only here it is used not for fun, and to prepare for the next working day.

Service in the army

Korean society respectful of military service. The age of conscription lasts up to 28 years of service – 21 calendar month.

7 immutable rules of life in South Korea

Men of different social strata think conscription is equally honorable. Therefore, in the army, they are all, regardless of their position in society.

Life in South Korea is very different from how the North Koreans live Neighbors to the North even shorter due to poor nutrition. You will be surprised to learn about the life of the DPRK without embellishment: the Russian woman openly told about life in North Korea.

Keywords: The mentality | Peculiarities | Rules | Facts | South Korea

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