7 healthy winter foods

7 healthy winter foods

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine | Life hacks

Rule number 1 of all nutritionists is: eat seasonal products.

For thousands of years, the human body has become accustomed to a particular environment, and it is its native cuisine that is most suitable for it. And this means that we, since we were born in these climatic conditions, where winter is from the first of December to the first of April, therefore, taking into account these conditions, we must live. Not without the joys of the exotic, of course, but do not take them as the basis of nutrition.

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7 healthy winter foods

So, what seasonal products are there in winter in our latitudes:

7 healthy winter foods

1. Sauerkraut.

It contains vitamins C, K, vitamins of group B. The fermentation process also enriches the cabbage with lactic and acetic acids, which promote digestion.

7 healthy winter foods

2. Foods rich in vitamin D: eggs, fish, fish roe, liver, butter, milk.

These products increase immunity, improve skin condition, vision and memory. There is always a season for dairy products and fish, but it is in winter that sea fish, for example, becomes more energetically valuable, and milk becomes more fatty.

7 healthy winter foods

3. Frozen berries.

Conservation is an overabundance of past decades. Previously, people harvested for future use by drying, drying and freezing. Nutritionists recommend returning to these traditions, especially for the simple reason that preparing berries in the freezer is much easier than boiling jams out of them. Frozen berries retain much more nutrients than boiled ones.

7 healthy winter foods

4. Cranberry.

A winter berry that, if properly stored in a dry, cold place, may not lose its organoleptic qualities for more than a month. Cranberries are rich in vitamins C and PP, and also have strong antioxidant properties.

7 healthy winter foods

5. Greens.

Dried leaves of cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, etc. almost as useful as fresh ones.

7 healthy winter foods

6. Vegetables and fruits.

Winter varieties of apples, carrots, beets, onions, radishes, roots - this is the basis of a healthy winter diet.

7 healthy winter foods

7. Exotic fruits.

You can not refuse exotic, although its excessive use can cause allergies. Kiwi, avocado, feijoa and all kinds of citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, the main vitamin against colds and old age.

Keywords: Winter | Food | Season

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