7 delicious cakes without baking

7 delicious cakes without baking

Categories: Food and Drinks

To impress everyone around with your culinary skills and enjoy a delicious dessert, it is not necessary to knead the dough for a long time and stand at the stove.

Your guests will be delighted with these cakes! After all, it will not work to spoil them, even if you try very hard!

7 delicious cakes without baking

7 delicious cakes without baking

1. Chocolate banana cake

You will need:

For the basics:

For the filling:


Gelatin pour 100 ml of water and leave to swell for the time indicated on the package. Break the cookies and put them in the bowl of a blender or food processor. Grind it into crumbs.

Melt the butter, add to the cookie crumbs and mix well. Put the mass on the bottom of the split mold, smooth it out and tamp it well. Put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, swollen gelatin and cocoa. Heat, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not boil. Remove from the stove.

Add sour cream or natural yogurt. Mix it up.

Peel the bananas, cut them in half and put them on the base. Carefully, slowly pour the chocolate mass on top.

Put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours to solidify.

7 delicious cakes without baking

2. Fruit and berry cake

You will need:


Break the cake into pieces, set aside.

Gelatin pour 1/2 cup of cold water and leave for half an hour. Then heat the water so that the gelatin completely dissolves.

At this time, beat the sour cream and sugar and, stirring, gradually add the gelatin mixture to them. Cover the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film (or parchment). Lay out layers: fruits / berries, then pieces of sponge cake, again a layer of berries / fruits, etc.

Then pour all the sour cream-gelatin mixture prepared earlier. Put the fruit cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Carefully flip onto a large plate and serve.

7 delicious cakes without baking

3. Cottage cheese cheesecake

You will need:


Cookies are ground into crumbs using a blender. Melt butter, mix with cookies, grind until smooth crumbs. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with a diameter of 21 cm with paper. Lay out the base for the cheesecake, tightly tamping the cookie crumbs along the bottom and walls of the mold.

Dilute gelatin in 2/3 cup of water, leave for 10 minutes. Then put a cup of gelatin in hot water and, stirring constantly, completely dissolve the gelatin. Mix cottage cheese with condensed milk. Pour gelatin into the resulting curd mass and beat everything together thoroughly.

Put the curd mass on the cookie base, smooth it out. Cover the cheesecake form with cling film and refrigerate for 3 hours to solidify. When serving, pour berry sauce or jam.

7 delicious cakes without baking

4. Strawberry cracker cake

You will need:


Separate the strawberries from the stalks, sort through, rinse well with running water and leave in a colander to drain excess water. After that, set aside a few berries to decorate the cake, and cut the rest of the berries into thin slices.

Whisk cream with sugar and vanilla sugar into a thick cream. Divide the crackers into 4 equal parts or into several parts according to the size of the dish in which the cake will be prepared.

In a dish for making strawberry cake, put the first layer of crackers, cover with whipped cream, and put strawberry slices on them. So repeat with all layers. Decorate the top layer of cream with strawberry slices and the strawberries that were laid aside for decoration.

Break the chocolate and melt it in the microwave. Make sure that it does not boil. Then carefully pour the finished strawberry cracker cake with melted chocolate.

7 delicious cakes without baking

5. Milk jelly with chocolate

You will need:


Soak the gelatin in cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:8 and leave to swell for 30-40 minutes.

Grate chocolate on a coarse grater and dissolve together with sugar in hot milk, introduce dissolved gelatin, bring to a boil, pour into molds and cool.

Before serving, put the jelly mold in hot water for 1-3 seconds, then cover with a plate and turn it over, remove the mold. Pour syrup over the jelly or decorate with whipped cream.

7 delicious cakes without baking

6. "Bounty" roll

You will need:


Chop the cookies into crumbs, mix with cocoa. Dissolve sugar in hot water, cool. Gradually add water to the cookies and mix until you get a viscous dough. Mix coconut shavings with butter and powder.

Roll out the mass of cookies on cling film into a rectangle (not too thick), spread the coconut mass on top, roll it up and put it in the freezer for an hour. Cut the frozen roll with a sharp knife.

7 delicious cakes without baking

7. Peanut butter cake

You will need:


Chop the cookies in a food processor or manually in a plastic bag. Mix cookies, melted butter, 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon. Put this mixture into a mold, spread evenly over the surface and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. (You can pre-bake for 7 minutes in the oven.) Beat peanut butter, 1/4 cup sugar, cream cheese and cream. Take the cake out of the refrigerator and put the mixture on it. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Decorate the cake with chopped chocolates or nuts.

Keywords: Baking | Dessert | Cake

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