6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

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These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles that will help you have longer and better sex. Just a week of training will make your sex life much brighter

Good sex is not necessarily long sex and a dozen different positions. However, a lot depends on the flexibility and physical fitness of partners. The stronger and more flexible your body, the wider the field for experiments in bed. The more new sensations you can get without being distracted by tired legs or arms. If you are jealous of gymnasts and pole dancers, try doing this set of exercises regularly. In just a week, you can pump the main muscles of the body, which are responsible for vibrant sex life.


6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

1. Lunges clockwise

What we pump: this exercise helps strengthen the gluteal muscles and develop the flexibility of the hamstrings. The wider the range of “opening” of the hips, the easier it will be for you to accept and hold any position in sex. Especially when it comes to positions in which you raise your legs up (it is these positions that contribute to deeper penetration and a bright, sensual orgasm).

How to perform:

Imagine that you are standing in the center of the dial of a large clock, where the number 12 is in front of you, and the number 6 is behind you. Lunge at 12 o'clock with your right foot, and return to the starting position. Do the same at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours. At the same time, scroll around your axis with your whole body. When you reach number 6, switch legs and lunge with your left foot on the numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Take a break and repeat the approach five times. Once you feel comfortable working with your own weight, you can take small dumbbells for weighting. You can also increase the load by increasing the speed of lunges (but follow the correct execution of the exercise).

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

2. Circular rotation overhead

What we pump: this exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. It is indispensable for those who love positions with an emphasis on some object (headboard, wall, kitchen table, bar counter)

How to perform:

To perform, you will need a medium-weight dumbbell (which can be replaced with a bottle of water). Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lift the dumbbell up with outstretched arms and rotate in a circle, as if drawing a halo above your head. The exercise must be performed with the maximum possible amplitude for you - the larger the halo, the better. At the same time, make sure that your back does not bend and is even. For greater stability, the legs can be placed at different levels: for example, the right leg is about 30 cm in front of the left. And by the way, this exercise will be very useful for men, so you may well offer your partner a pair workout.

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

3. Circular plank

What we pump: the bar itself is considered an ideal exercise for pumping all muscle groups. And the circular bar, among other things, increases the load on the arms, hips, and buttocks. By learning how to perform it, you can conquer your partner with the position from above, and make sex in this position really long and sensual.

How to perform:

Take a starting position - a plank on your hands or forearms. Stay in it for 30 seconds. Lean on your right hand or forearm, turning your body sideways to the floor. Also, wait 30 seconds. Turn your back to the floor, leaning on your hands and on a full foot. 30 seconds. Roll onto your left side, leaning on your left hand or forearm. Again 30 seconds. Once you have perfected this exercise to automatism, you can add hip swaying to it. At the same time, try to keep the rest of the body motionless.

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

4. Strengthening the pelvic floor

What we pump: this exercise will help you strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis, or, as they are also called, intimate muscles. Yes, yes, exactly those muscles that the famous Kegel exercises are aimed at. If you increase their elasticity and learn to tighten and relax at will, this will help you achieve more pleasure in sex and pleasantly surprise your partner.

How to perform:

To complete this exercise, you will need a fitball. Sit on it, put your hands on your hips, and press your feet to the floor with your feet. Tighten your abdominal muscles, pull in your perineal muscles, and move your hips first forward and backward, and then left and right. Try to keep only your hips moving, while keeping your upper body and legs still. After doing several approaches, relax your muscles and rest. Then proceed to the circular rotation of the hips, which must be performed according to the same rules.

If you do not have a fitball, this exercise can be performed by rotating the hula hoop. If there is no hoop, you can simulate its rotation - it uses the same muscles as the fitball.

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

5. Glute Bridge

What we pump: similar to the previous exercise, this is also aimed at strengthening the intimate muscles

How to perform:

Lie on your back on the floor, arms at your sides, knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Tighten your glute muscles to lift your buttocks and lower back off the floor while tensing your perineal muscles. The purpose of the exercise is to raise the buttocks so that a straight line forms between the knees and the chest. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds and return to the starting position.

6 simple exercises that will improve your sex

6. Squatting along the wall

What we pump: this exercise is aimed at strengthening the gluteal muscles and quadriceps of the thigh. It will allow you to have sex on top or standing for longer, as well as better control of your hips in any position.

How to perform:

Stand with your back against a wall, touching but not leaning against it. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower yourself down along the wall, while spreading your legs wider and wider. Purpose of the exercise: bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees to the floor. In this position, you need to linger until you feel discomfort in your hips. Take a starting position, rest, and repeat the exercise.

Keywords: Simple exercises | Exercises | Sports | Sex life | Sex | Better sex | Training | Couples | Relationships

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