6 sad facts about funerals in China: the place in a million, rental graves and fashion for cremation
Categories: Asia | Nations | Society | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/6-sad-facts-about-funerals-in-china-the-place-in-a-million-rental-graves-and-fashion-for-cremation.htmlThe country, which is home to more than 1.5 billion people, sooner or later had to face a disposal problem, because the places in the cemeteries have come to an end, and people die.
And in China it happened a few years ago, so the locals came up with very creative ways of permission of this situation. Here are 6 kind of sad but true facts about the local funeral that you did not expect to hear.
The local cemetery filled with graves so that the undertaker skillfully use it, selling places for fabulous sums. For example, the usual funeral can bring about 1 million rubles. Despite the fact that the average salary in the country is only 48 thousand in terms of the Russian currency.
The surprises don't end there. Paying 1 million, you get the grave forever, only for 20 years. If the caretakers of the cemetery you can see that the plot for a long time no one cares, they pass it to other people.
And since China has long operated a limit on the number of children in the family ("one family — one child"), with the majority of the graves to look simply no one. So they move on to the next owners. It's a bit sad, but there's no other way, says the local government.
If you think that the place for the urn here is much cheaper than usual, you are greatly mistaken. However, the authorities of the country since 1994, and encourage this method of burial. And it focuses attention on the cremation with subsequent deflation of the dust.
Of course, in order to save space in the cemetery.
One of the Chinese provinces became so tense situation with a shortage of places for graves that her government has banned local residents to bring their deceased relatives earth, "Only cremation!". Then a few old men, to the introduction of this ban in effect, commit suicide, to be able to be buried in the old tradition.
The fact is that according to Confucianism, the dead must be place of burial, which could come to their home. Only there they can pay respects to their ancestors.
For all these reasons, many Chinese people bury their loved ones in the bushes, fields, ravines or along roads. When the authorities notice such grave just destroy them by comparing with the ground.
And the "dessert" is one of the strangest facts about the traditions in this wonderful country. In many provinces of China best gift for your loved ones is considered... a coffin. And give them not only the elderly, but even young people.
It is believed that the coffin in the house brings success and longevity. In addition, the coffins here are quite expensive (40-50 thousand rubles), so this gift helps the recipient to save a decent amount.
But last year, in Jiangxi province for this reason, a major scandal erupted. Local authorities in order to preserve land resources has forbidden residents to bury their relatives in the ground. And to all those who have already purchased or to a gift coffins, offered to take them to destruction for the compensation in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Those who refused to take the coffins, they were taken away by force. Many elderly people in protest, went to the tomb and wept.
Here are the funeral in Chinese. Which of these facts surprised you the most?
Keywords: China | Death | Asia | People | Funeral | Peace | Cemetery | Society | Population | Burial | Grave
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