6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

Categories: Nations | Society | World

Each nation has its own national sport. The British love of horse racing and football, the residents of Scandinavian countries in honor of the skates and skis and mountaineers of the Caucasus — fighting. But there is entertainment that does not advertise due to their danger, or even of immorality. They exist in almost all countries, and we will tell you about some of them.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

It is difficult to find in the world of big entertainers than the inhabitants of the Country of the rising sun. A strange sense of humor and a certain taste for sadism gave rise to such strange entertainment as Kant. The word is translated from Japanese as "enema" and it very accurately describes the essence of fun.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

Imagine that you go on a spring morning in Monday to work with the relevant situation mood. And suddenly, out of nowhere, popping up from the corner boys and girls and a few buckets doused you with water from head to toe. Your suit got wet, the portfolio papers, and the mood struck the bottom and turned to negative marks.

If none of the above happened to you, it means that you are in Western Ukraine, the Czech Republic or Poland. World savings day is celebrated in the countries of the Carpathian region the day after Easter. It is an ancient Slavic holiday, akin to the day of Ivan Kupala. Balling each other and passersby with water symbolizes cleansing from defilement of soul and body.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

The game "Knock white" or "Knockout" — it's fun being a black youth in the United States. The rules of this disgusting fun is very simple — you need to go on the street to advance the intended victim of a different race and try to sweep her off her feet with one blow of his fist. On "business" usually go to a big company, which is following with interest what is happening and gives the player moonlight.

However, attacks on ruddy six-foot farmers from Kansas very rare — African-American youth most often attacking those who cannot fight back. Suffer adolescents, women, seniors and people with disabilities. Their revels participants justify payback for centuries of slavery and humiliation, but the police, these arguments are not accepted.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

At the mention of the cruel amusements involving animals, everyone is sure to remember from Spanish bullfighting. This tradition originated in the bronze age and it has still millions of fans. The bullfighting many varieties, from the battle of bull with picador to the ridiculous clown when dressed in colorful costumes of the players run away from the angry bulls. The most violent subspecies can be considered a pit bull and the horse, when in mortal combat faced innocent animals.

But there are also more unusual games with the fauna. For example, in the 1960-ies in the United States was very popular extreme sport with octopus. It all happened on the North-Western coast of the country, where there are octopi weighing up to 40 kg. the task of the contestant to dive from the to find there clam and, overcoming his resistance to lift up. We should add that scuba is not used. Banned inhumane game in 1976.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

It is an international and very dangerous game annually takes the lives of hundreds of boys and girls. In India and Bangladesh shaping — a chance to get to the right place, when climbed in the car. In developed countries, is a risky way to show the valiant daring and contempt of death.

If in India die every year due to riding outside the cars 15 thousand people in Europe, the account goes on tens and hundreds. The number of deaths in Germany could be not 40 but 400 a year, but taken save on transport measures — sensors, video cameras, special fencing.

6 extreme and immoral entertainment of the peoples of the world

Another deadly entertainment, popular mainly among the Russian students. Playing needs to cross the road as close to the front of a moving vehicle. Popping up participants in extreme fun from the ambush, leaving the drivers time to brake or maneuver.

Adventurers often seek death under the wheels or disability. More often, players will find themselves in the hands of the drivers and subjected to educational influences, which is absolutely justified by the ears and twisting his ears. In Russian schools carry out preventive lectures about the danger of such runs, but fans of deadly fun not less.

Keywords: Blacks | Fun | Youth | Danger | Train | Entertainment | Risk

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