50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Categories: Asia

Dubai is one of the Emirates of the UAE, and he was mostly known for two things: eccentricity and luxury. Less than 30 years from a fishing village, Dubai has become a stunning city that is until now.

In this post we will try to understand why Dubai is synonymous with luxury. Not everything in the Emirate as rich as the people in the photo below, but the fact that such wealth is very impressive!

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Undoubtedly, air Dubai looks amazing.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

For example, this machine makes an artificial island.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

It can help to create such things.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

The sea is just one of the sights of Dubai. Still, for example, you can live in the clouds.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

In General, the city is very attractive.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Many countries are trying to copy, Dubai — for example, Monaco.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Dubai — the place is not only beautiful, but also interesting. To start sightseeing from the Mosque.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Then you can play Golf.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

To sit in a restaurant.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Or buy something at the supermarket.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

You can even go skiing, although it sounds incredible.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

You can still ride a car through the desert.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Or around town.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

But these pictures shows how we really like animals.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Perhaps, the only police force that drives Lamborghini.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Finally, some construction plans in Dubai.

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

50 photos of Dubai, the most insane city on earth

Liked it? Us too!

Keywords: Asia | UAE | Luxury | Wealth | Dubai

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