The Chilling Story of Richard Chase, the 'Vampire of Sacramento'
Categories: North America
By Pictolic the many maniacs who poisoned the world with their presence, Richard Trenton Chase occupies a special place. He is far behind Ted Bundy and Alexander Spesivtsev in the number of victims. But no one can compare with him in cruelty and unpredictability of actions. Chase's crimes are so monstrous that they are difficult to justify even with the huge number of mental disorders that this monster suffered from since childhood.
Richard Chase was born on May 23, 1950, in Santa Clara, California. His parents were heavy drinkers and showed no interest in their son's fate. As soon as Richard could walk, he was left to his own devices. As a child, the boy was often bullied by his peers. Many considered him strange, and after a head injury he received on the playground, his unusual behavior became even more noticeable.
Young Chase loved to injure himself by cutting his skin with blades or glass. He liked the sight of blood and the pain of cuts. He loved to inflict suffering on others as well. The frail Richard could not bully other children, so he tortured and killed those who could not resist. It seemed that the boy was ready to bring death to all living things. He set fire to and poured boiling water on anthills, strangled and gutted kittens and puppies, threw stones and firecrackers at the elderly and disabled.
As a teenager, Chase was no longer satisfied with just killing. He became addicted to drinking the blood of animals and birds. Richard was often beaten for his inappropriate behavior. Neighbors were afraid of the psychopathic child and demanded that his parents commit him to a mental hospital. But they did not care about their son's problems - their whole life was spent looking for booze.
Richard Chase himself became addicted to alcohol at the age of 14, and at 15 he began using drugs. His addictions completely destroyed his personality. Chase gained a reputation as the most notorious scoundrel in the city. There were no stray animals in the area where the sadist lived, and the owners of domestic animals kept their pets locked up.
At home, Richard behaved no better. He stole money and booze from his parents, fought with them in a drunken stupor, and demonstratively masturbated in front of his mother. It got to the point that in a rare moment of clarity, the elder Chases held a family council and decided to show their offspring to specialists.
At the age of 15, Richard Chase was examined by psychiatrists and given a disappointing diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia. In addition, the young man was found to have a whole bunch of deviations, from pyromania to necrophilia. Doctors also learned that the teenager was keenly interested in serial killers and even admired them.
The parents of the young monster were offered to send him to a mental hospital. Perhaps, if they had agreed, everything would have been different. But Richard's mother did not want to hear about hospitalization. She was sure that the doctors would reduce her son to a vegetable state and then kill him. The woman decided to treat her son herself, using folk methods and going to church.
Very soon the guy's condition worsened so much that his family was afraid to be in the same house with him. Richard shaved his head, stopped washing and constantly carried around some knives and razors. To satisfy his passion for murder, the monster bought various small animals in pet stores. He ground up canaries, fish and hamsters alive in a blender to drink the resulting liquid.
Sometimes Chase would show up at the local hospital and cause a ruckus. He would throw a tantrum at the entrance, demanding that the kidneys and pulmonary artery stolen for rich patients be returned. One of the doctors, to his own misfortune, gave him a medical reference book. After studying it, Chase decided that he was anemic and that only vitamins and someone else's blood would help him survive. He began eating carrots and tried injecting himself with rabbit blood intravenously.
The parents noticed their son's new hobby in time and decided to send him to a mental hospital after all. Richard, who could no longer stand on his feet due to his experiments, was taken to the clinic. There, as a bedridden patient, he was left alone in the ward. The very next day, Chase escaped and returned home to cause chaos there. This time, he was harshly detained and locked up in the Beverly Manor prison-type hospital. The craziest villains served their endless sentences in this terrible place.
Chase was furious at the way he was treated. He believed that he had no place among cannibals and child killers. Richard insisted that he was absolutely healthy, and all his actions were the result of the influence of some Satanist sorcerers. At the same time, the maniac continued to destroy birds and animals that he managed to catch with his bare hands during walks.
Chase spent several years in the hospital, after which he was released, deemed not dangerous. Today it is difficult to understand the logic of the people who made this decision. But the fact remains - in 1976, Richard safely left the hospitable walls of the mental hospital. At home, he was met by aged and somewhat settled parents. Their health left much to be desired and for some reason they thought that they would find support in their son.
For a couple of weeks, Richard did behave properly. He helped his mother carry her shopping bags, watched TV series in the evenings, and even read books. But then he adapted to the free life and returned to his old ways. The neighborhood lost animals again, and neighbors began finding cat and dog entrails on their lawns.
As expected, Chase didn't stop at animals. He was impressed by the stories of maniacs in the newspapers and wanted to kill a person. Having somehow gotten hold of an automatic pistol, Chase was going to arrange a bloodbath. But first he decided to practice, so on December 27, 1977, he broke into the house of a lonely woman.
The owner of the house was very lucky - she was at work. After searching the cottage, Richard shot the kitchen furniture and dishes in a rage. But the failure did not stop the psychopath and a couple of days later he committed his first murder. Chase shot the elderly engineer Ambrose Griffin point-blank in the middle of the street. The man was walking with bags full of groceries from the supermarket when he encountered the maniac.
The first murder impressed Chase and made him lie low. He locked himself in his house and pasted newspaper clippings about Griffin's murder all over his room. The maniac's mother tried not to notice the obvious and, as always, covered for her crazy son. On January 11, 1978, the scoundrel went out on the job again. Wearing a mask and threatening with a gun, he took cigarettes from a neighbor.
A week later, he broke into the home of the young Edwards family in their absence. Richard wrecked the place and then defecated in the baby's crib. That time, he barely managed to escape because the neighbors called the police. Another couple was less lucky. The maniac broke into the house where newlyweds David and Teresa Wallin lived. The husband was at work and Chase found 22-year-old pregnant Teresa at home.
Having entered the cottage through the back door, the maniac kills the woman with a shot to the head. After that, he indulges in several hours of hair-raising perversions. He rapes and dismembers the corpse, then takes out its entrails and puts them in a bucket. He also drains the victim's blood there, after which he pours it all into the bathtub. Richard splashes in the blood and entrails and rubs them into the body.
Tired, the maniac goes into the yard, finds dog feces there and fills Teresa's mouth and eye sockets with it. After that, the maniac takes a glass of blood and goes home, sipping the terrible drink through a straw. Chase's complete madness did not last long. A couple of weeks later, he again experiences an irresistible desire to kill and drink blood.
He took the gun again and went hunting. Having made his way into a randomly chosen house, Richard killed, raped and chopped up the mother of three children, Evelyn Miroth. The maniac shot her son Jason in the chest, and a neighbor who came running to the noise - in the face. Evelyn's nephew David, who was only one and a half years old, was shot right in his crib. Then he smashed the child's skull and ate his brain.
The bloody feast was in full swing when the girlfriend of the already dead Jason came into the house. She scared Richard, who ran away. The maniac jumped over the green fence, holding the mutilated body of the baby in his teeth. He was not finished with it yet and did not want to part with it. The whole town knew Chase, so the girl immediately told the police the name of the killer.
But the cops hesitated for five days before they came to arrest the maniac. All this time, Chase abused the child's body. He drank all the blood from it and mutilated it beyond recognition. After the press published the story of Chase's adventures, the maniac was nicknamed "the vampire from Sacramento." Many expected that the man would be declared insane and sent for compulsory treatment.
But a miracle happened, and the court sentenced Chase to death. When he learned that he would have to die in the gas chamber, Richard laughed madly and called the judges and jury names. The sentence was not destined to be carried out. Richard Chase died in San Quentin prison in his cell on December 26, 1980, a year after the trial.
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