5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

Categories: Food and Drinks

Each nation is used to having breakfast in its own way, but one thing unites us all: breakfast should be hearty and energize for the whole day. There are classic breakfasts that have become international: scrambled eggs, oatmeal, sandwiches, buns with butter and jam, and there are those that are accepted only in their own country.

For gourmets who want to diversify their morning by starting it with an unusual dish, we have collected several breakfast options from different parts of the world.

(Total 5 photos)

5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents Source: Bright Side

5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

Europe. Irish skirley

Irish cuisine is simple and hearty, rich in meat, fish, nuts and wild berries. The inhabitants of the Emerald Isle honor their traditions, this also applies to cooking - each recipe is several centuries old. Cheerful Irish people like to have breakfast hearty and hearty, and one of the dishes served in the morning is skirli, or oatmeal with meat.

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5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

South America. Colombian Changua

The sunny and hot homeland of Shakira combines Spanish and local Indian traditions in its cuisine. Here they like legumes, corn, vegetables, meat. The traditional Colombian breakfast is changua milk soup.

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For garnish:


5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

America. Mexican chilaquiles

Mexicans love dense and at the same time very simple food, which is full of vegetables and, of course, hot peppers. A traditional breakfast dish here is hearty chilaquiles, thanks to which Mexican peasants feel full and energetic throughout a hard day's work.

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Mexican breakfast is ready. Buenos dias, amigos!

5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

Asia. Indian homemade yogurt dahi barai

The basis of Indian cuisine is vegetables, dairy products and cereals. Indians are mostly vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet. Indian breakfast is light, but nutritious and very healthy. One option might be homemade dahi yogurt, which is best prepared the night before.

You will need:


5 hearty and delicious breakfasts from 5 continents

Africa. Egyptian ful

Egyptian cuisine is a classic example of Arabic Middle Eastern cuisine. They love sweets, cereals, legumes, and the Egyptians prefer a dish called “ful” for breakfast. It is served hot separately or put in a tortilla. You need to cook ful in the evening.

You will need:


Let your morning be tasty, satisfying and kind, no matter what day of the week it opens!

Keywords: Breakfast | Morning

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