5 habits that negatively affect the skin and impending old age
Categories: Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/5-habits-that-negatively-affect-the-skin-and-impending-old-age.htmlWomen have made many efforts to save the youth and freshness of the skin. But even the most carefully protecting the face from direct sunlight, time washing off makeup and using special creams and masks, the representatives of the better half of humanity can't guarantee that their skin will be perfect.
Despite all the worries about the face, the effect can be opposite, and the reason for this often is the bad habits of care, which we do not even suspect.
Dermatologist and cosmetologist Alex Eden told reporters the "AIF" what common mistakes modern women provokes the appearance of skin problems and cause them to age prematurely.
Frequent washing with the use of special gels dehydrate the skin. Water washes away sebum, which nature has given us for natural skin protection against dehydration and the attack of bacteria. Daily, and sometimes multiple washing deprive the skin of this important barrier and cause serious harm.
The first year hydrogel patches are the most popular way to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes. But in fact, they do not rejuvenate, as advertised by the manufacturers, but only imitate the solution of the problem. Patches cause Microtek as their components saturate the skin with moisture, and the patches do not allow it to evaporate.
This Microtek and gives the effect of smoothing of wrinkles, just pulling the skin. But hydrogel patches only affect the skin without affecting the soft tissues of the face, so the swelling is imperceptible. Result from prolonged use of the patches is directly opposite to what is expected of wrinkles becomes more due to the fact that the swelling stretches the skin.
In this regard, the dermatologist advises not to abuse this tool and use it in exceptional circumstances and preferably in the morning. By the way, the patches get rid of dark circles under the eyes works in a similar way. Just in this case use the feature of the skin after moistening to change its light altering properties.
Creams for skin care before bed have the same mechanism of action, and hydrogel patches. When you're sleeping, in the head there is an active blood circulation. Accordingly, in this period is the most intensive evaporation. Creams prevent the skin to lose water and cause swelling, contributing to its elongation.
This process is not fast and takes years, but sooner or later these manipulations are still negatively affect the skin condition. Particularly pronounced this effect will be those who have melkomorschinisty type of person. Skin care should be applied in 3-4 hours before bedtime. In the case if you suddenly forget to use the cream in advance, then it is better to abandon this idea.
Modern fashion encourages early use of cosmetics. Sometimes girls start to use beauty and decorative 12-13 years. Frequent washing with toning, moisturizing and cleansing agents leads to early aging of the skin and can cause acne.
Little deviating from the topic, beauty advised young ladies to refuse from sweet, to substantially delay the aging of the skin. Sugar changes the structure of collagen, which ceases to be broken down by the body, so that it ceases to "learn". In such conditions there is an accumulation of old collagen and slows the production of new.
Even sugar has the ability to change the properties of the sebum, making it more viscous. In this form, it clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands which appear on the skin inflammation.
If you start to do beauty shots too early, then this procedure will have the opposite effect. Most dangerous in this respect, the injection of hyaluronic acid, the most popular among modern women because of their availability. Uncontrolled hydration of the skin in this way leads to a decrease in production of hyaluronic acid by the body.
This leads to the fact that the skin will get a natural makeup and will gradually fade. To maintain it in good condition will always have to enter the substance artificially. The use of hyaluronic acid as a filler, for example, to increase the volume of the lips, strengthens the mucosa. After the rejection procedures, the lost volume of the lips can become wrinkled.
To apply botulinum toxin also to the mind. Since this product is biological, then sooner or later the body produces immunity to it. After that just ceases to operate. To avoid such addiction procedure is not recommended more often than once in three months, as indicated in the instructions to the drugs of this type.
Injections for rejuvenation can be done only after 27 years. An exception may be made only in case, if there are special medical indications, for example, physical defects, congenital or acquired in early childhood.
All procedures related to mechanical and thermal effects on the skin, making it too thin and too sensitive. In addition, the impact of such a plan cause the appearance of telangiectasias, rosacea and the appearance of pigment spots. Before going for this sanding, you should definitely consult with a beautician who can evaluate the skin condition and to warn against excessive zeal in the pursuit of youth and beauty.
Race for beauty in our days can result in serious health problems. But a century ago, an overwhelming passion for improving the appearance could lead to tragedy, as the ladies of the past did not stop before the most questionable way to regain the freshness.
Keywords: Botox | Skin | Cosmetic | Cream | Problems | Aging | Care
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