Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

Categories: Celebrities | Health and Medicine

Today, Botox injections and collagen is no surprise — it's available to all the procedures that make in ordinary beauty salons. But sometime in the ' 90s rejuvenation of the PI of the "beauty shots" it seemed a revelation to him resorted only celebrity of the first magnitude. It was then that the world learned about Dr. Botox Frederick Brandt. This man was a real magician, and they sincerely admired. The wealth and influence of Doc envied Hollywood stars and politicians, but his life was cut short, barely rejuvenation injections ceased to be magic.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

Dr. Frederic Brandt, better known as Dr Botox "done" the face of the Madonna, Kevin Klein and Naomi Campbell. He was sent a personal aircraft, and one treatment he was worth as a car. But it did not save genius cosmetology from ridicule, depression and loneliness, which eventually forced him to hang himself in his garage, in a decadent mansion in Miami.

Parents star beautician had no relationship to the world of the stars, the beauty industry and even medicine. Irving and Esther Brandt was average Jewish family who owned a small candy store in Newark, new Jersey. Sam Frederick, born in 1949, all his childhood dreamt of the fame of the singer, but after school, all of a sudden, chose the medical College.

Student years Brandt were very rich, however, in a special sense. Future doctor was simply obsessed with gaining knowledge and simultaneously studied Oncology, Nephrology, Hematology, and cardiology. Among classmates Frederick was known as an egghead, a day sitting in the library, but the teachers of the souls he was everything to her.

After graduating from College, Brandt easily passed the residency in Nephrology and Oncology at new York University, after which got a great place in Memorial cancer center Sloan-Kettering, where he began to specialize in the treatment of leukemia. That's when Dr. Brandt first tried to use natural antioxidants to neutralize free radicals that cause aging and cancer.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

Frederick was so fond of anti-aging that decided to change his focus and moved from Oncology to dermatology. Brandt left the hospital, despite the entreaties of his superiors and colleagues, then immediately went to "free floating". He opened a private office, and not just anywhere, but in Miami, where it was full of aging stars and people with money.

Success came to the doctor almost immediately, as his rejuvenation methods radically different from those in the 90s. Brandt do not cut the skin with a scalpel and not pulled her to remove wrinkles and injected new drugs Botox Restylane and collagen. The effect of the treatments was amazing and almost instantaneous, and patients Brandt went home right after a session of rejuvenation.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

An important advantage of the specialist was that he willingly went to the customers home, which at the time was nonsense. All procedures, ranging from Botox injections and finishing laser hair removal, in those days was only done in hospitals and Brandt became the first "beautician away".

In 1998, Brandt, has already become the most famous expert in beauty of Florida, began to expand its business and opened an office in new York. In this city the doctor was flown in from Miami just once a month, but these 1-2 days was incredibly intense and productive. In the "Big Apple" client of Dr. Botox was not aging the rich and the star.

It is not known as became a client of Brandt Madonna, but he was one of the few who pop diva let her face. "Its beautiful skin I largely owe him", — said the singer, when asked about the secret of unfading youth. After that, many celebrities became clients of Frederic Brandt — the personal beautician is most of the Madonna is no longer required.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

A few months Doctor Botox himself became a celebrity, he was interviewed, he sought a meeting, he was invited to television shows and luxury parties. Grew revenues Brandt — he had more time to be in new York and at home in Miami, he could spend no more than one week in a month. His services openly used Donna Karan and Calvin Klein, Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymour and Ellen barkin.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

To always stay fresh and productive, Brandt became interested in yoga and meditated daily. Knowing that his face must be exemplary, Doctor Botox has started to inject himself. He was often invited on TV and dream of the doctor was creating his own show of beauty and youthful skin.

Promote your own business taken away from Brandt a lot of effort and sometimes he had to work at a loss, counting on prospects. For example, editors of fashion gloss doctor did the biggest discounts, and many famous people served and even free of charge. Frederick was for many of his clients not just a doctor but a close friend. He first came to Madonna, to wipe her tears after her breakup with guy Ritchie. This Doc made a flight from new York to London.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

Once Brandt showed up at Central synagogue in new York city on Yom Kippur in designer kilt and sneakers with glitter. This outfit was not casual — the Doctor Botox, it is not strange, is seriously into hip-hop and sometimes even read to their friends rap. Brand was a collector of Antiques and paintings by contemporary artists buying homes in the best areas of new York, London and Miami, but to call him happy was impossible.

The doctor never found love in the rooms of his luxurious mansions he was only three dogs picked up on the street, Benji, Surya, and Tyler. When the Doctor Botox is long gone, then the animals are cared for a special dog sitter, and the rest of the time he preferred to Tinker with the animals myself.

Misfortune Brandt became and implacable old age. Botox injections and fillers has not helped, and face the world's best expert on youth has become a real anti-advertising his services, becoming frozen in a terrifying mask. The doctor was a very vulnerable person and bad for perceived failures and criticism, and his life became more and more.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

One of his customers complained about the complication after the injection of Juvederm Voluma and during the interview the journalists accused the doctor of violating the rules of hygiene when carrying out manipulations. Immediately after the broadcast of Brandt was taken off the air, as he began a damaging company in the press and on the Internet.

The yard was 2015 and Botox with collagen injected in almost every alley, and cheap clinic in India and China put facial rejuvenation in the pipeline. Professionals were not interesting, as cosmetologists who have completed the usual month course, successfully dumping prices and selected customers of elite specialists.

Why he took his own life Dr. Botox, cosmetologist Madonna and Naomi Campbell

The character of the TV show, paradisevalley Frederic Brandt

In March 2015 series with Dr. Grant went on the air and Dr. Botox, then ceased to answer phone calls and to appear in public. He limited the circle of several close friends and personal psychologist. Last time the genius of cosmetology was seen alive on the morning of 5 April 2015, at his mansion in Miami, and in the evening Doc hanged himself in his garage, filled with exclusive supercars.

Studies have shown that Botox injections make people happy, but after the death of the chief adept of the drug, to believe with great difficulty.

Keywords: Botox | Doctor | Cosmetology | Beauty | Madonna | Miami

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