5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | Sport

Today cinema is gradually adjusted to the modern agenda, and often shows the audience a strong, confident, independent women. But even before feminism became fashionable, we had seen strong heroines — and this power was not only in character but also in the muscles.

Let's remember which Actresses have undergone striking transformation of their visual image for the role.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

For her role in "million dollar Baby" Hilary swank gained ten pounds of muscle in just ninety days. The actress trained six days a week, classes included Boxing and weight training for two and a half hours. All this was underpinned by a high-calorie diet.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

Perseverance Hilary is the envy of all: a swank continued to train without slowing the pace, even when in the open wound of the actress were brought infection spread almost on the whole foot. In the end, the actress has turned out not only abs of steel, able to withstand the punches of professional boxers, but also won the Oscar for "Best actress".

Before the filming of "Lara Croft", the Hollywood actress went through a serious test: in order to look convincing in the role of her heroine, Vikander has increased more than seven kg of muscle mass. Magnus Lidbeck made for Alicia's challenging seven-month training program that included mixed martial arts, climbing, archery and going to the gym.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

A grueling workout and was accompanied by a strict diet: eating every three hours with minimal amounts of carbohydrates in the absence of sugar. You have to admit Vikander was able to quickly create phenomenal form, which allowed the actress to appear on the screen, or slightly better than Angelina Jolie.

Hard to believe, but former beauty Queen Gal gadot-famous slim figure, is now the embodiment of power and looks impressive even against the background of Batman and Superman. Form of Amazon doing fitness mentor Henry Cavill – mark Twait.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

To turn into supergirl, Israeli model for an hour every day worked out at the gym. Workout Gadot included both strength training and cardio exercises, and the diet consisted mostly of protein and green vegetables. The result is impressive: now the actress has always been associated with Wonder Woman, and fans never tire of repeating that Gadot was born for this role.

Not less surprising and cheerful Hollywood beauty Emma stone. We're used to seeing actress fragile girl, but after filming "La La land" the stone had to change the dance class on the tennis court for the role of Billie Jean king in "battle of the sexes". Along with the workouts changed and the figure of the actress.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

Under the supervision of Jason Walsh Emma gained almost seven pounds of muscle. Within three months, a future tennis player trained predominantly with heavy weights, diluting yoga and eating about 2500-3000 calories a day. At the end of the training program Emma significantly increased power output and could raise as much as 84 kg, so were ready to defend the rights of the female half in every sense.

Another superhero, whose figure has undergone major changes, is brie Larson. For the role of Captain marvel actress for nine months had to train under the watchful supervision of Jason Walsh, the coach of Emma stone.

5 Actresses who became athletes for the role

Classes Larson has focused on training large weights, however, to impart plasticity and speed, Jason added items from special forces training, Boxing, judo and workout. Food looked no less strictly: actress ate five times a day, and the basis of the diet was proteins and carbohydrates. After a nine-month course of training brie Larson, known for feminist views can be considered in the truest sense of the powerful figure of the movement.

Keywords: Actress | Hollywood | Role | Athletes | Movies | Show business

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