40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

Categories: History | Social Networks | World

Time flies quickly and quietly. Especially clear you realize that when you suddenly find a thing of your past. But if not its not even always clear what this thing was and why! Here is a selection of interesting finds, brought to us straight from the past people who unexpectedly became time travellers.

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found on sale in the toy Department. Had no idea what it is. But took a chance and it has paid off!"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"My grandfather left a set of books-miniatures with all the plays of Shakespeare. Him 111 years"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"The buyers of our old house found a "Purple heart" my great-grandfather in a box labeled "Junk" and returned with my family"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"My friend found this little statue, digging the ground in your garden. Archaeologists from the Museum told him that this item is probably from the burial of him and 3 or 4 thousand years. The statuette was found in the Castel-Arquato (Italy). He offered to give it to the Museum of Parma"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"In my shop are still using the original cash register, 1904"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"My late grandmother kept the instruction manual of the TV, released in 1962"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"The filament in this vintage light bulb has the shape of a flower"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found this in the pocket of the pilot jacket my grandpa's that he wore during the Second world war"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Oh, these intricate old keyhole!"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"After the construction company drained the reservoir by 3 meters, was found a 600 year old Buddha statue carved out of rock. The statue is located in the Chinese province of Jiangxi. Most likely, belongs to the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"In the recruitment of nurses, which belonged to 100 years ago my great-great-grandmother, vials of cocaine and a syringe"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"I found these condoms in my basement. Im 60 years"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"My friend was chopping wood and found the tip of the spear"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"I found an old set for a game of "Monopoly" in the wall of my house, built in 1925"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"This is a page from the log of 1777"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"It's a Roman coin that I found in France with the metal detector. The Emperor Constantine I. the Coinage in Trier (Treveri), Germany. Bronze. 306-337 ad"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"This is the oath of allegiance to the flag of the United States in its original wording, without the mention of God"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

This old door 1380 in Regensburg, Germany, helps to find the keyhole after you've had too much wine

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

Cute vintage aquarium

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

36 advertising car, one for each production year from 1953 to 1989. Found about 25 years on an almost abandoned warehouse in new York

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Grandpa is still using an old computer running DOS. Enters data, prints out on the printer, saving files on floppy disks"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

This is an old sundial that shows the time countries around the world

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

This is a rare vintage typewriter 1950-ies, which allows you to print notes

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

Old Cup that allows you not to wet whiskers

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

2000-year-old green mask of serpentine, was found at the base of the pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Mexico

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"This train ticket we found in our barn. Printing on the back indicates on August 18, 1890"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"My grandmother has the original printed form of the cover of Time magazine about the moon landing"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Mom found some of my old toys from McDonald's that turn into robots"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

Some places in New Orleans still have a special place for tying horses

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found this when cleaning up my grandmother's house"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found an old moon globe, where the map is not marked side of the moon"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found this old calculator in the attic of my grandmother"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"We found this old light in the house my grandparents built in 1902, and it still works"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

Vintage plate with the image of Freddie mercury, 1980s

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

In Europe in older homes there is a Shoe scraper at the door, so you can clean the dirt from the soles before entering

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found three Newspapers in 1969 about the moon landing in an old trunk in the attic."

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Found this coin in a collection my grandmother"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Hit the jackpot in the antique market in Greenwich village in new York. This ring poison"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

"Old maps of Nintendo, inherited from her grandmother"

40 incredible vintage finds that no one expected to discover

The table is forbidden for children candy-like tablets

Keywords: Antiquity | Interesting finds

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