27 photos showing why women live longer than men

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Categories: Positive | Society

Science has proven that, on average, women live longer than men. And although many will argue that it's because of diet, physical activity or genetics, we found some other reasons. Perhaps it's all about caution? Take a look at these photos — it seems that representatives of the stronger sex are trying to get into a hospital bed or even worse — into the grave. Neglecting all security measures due to lack of time or banal laziness, men often practically "balance on the edge". No wonder women live longer.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

What kind of smart guy thought of putting a loader on a loader?

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

It would be safer to rest in the shade of the excavator if it were nearby, and not on top.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

A friend will help out! If only he could stand it.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

The guy in the middle is really getting ready to meet an old woman with a scythe.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

What else? It's a good thing that the stairs were enough.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

The guy really trusts his homemade prop with his life.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

So what if there are no stairs. Friends are nearby!

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

When the ladder is not stretched…

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

When there were no stairs at all…

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Stone, wood, helmet — a new alternative to the famous game.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

I'd shit my pants, by God!

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

What a sweet beard.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Three ladders, and only one is used properly.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Probably, it's still not worth joking with the laws of physics.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

By a hair's breadth... but no, on the board from death.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Landscape design without fear and reproach.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

That's what they call "walking on the edge."

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

It seems that these two have decided that one hand is a fairly safe means of falling.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Entrusting your life to slippers is so human.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

The insurer is clearly thinking about what he will eat for dinner.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Damn, guys, I should have taken a photo "after".

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Maybe try yourself in electricity?

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Whoever was filming was clearly using a zoom. I wouldn't come close.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

Indeed, why go down the stairs... if you can go down the stairs.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

A second before…

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

The dude in pink clearly doesn't understand what's going on. Apparently, masks and chemical protective suits do not bother him at all.

27 photos showing why women live longer than men

And this one seems to understand what's going on, but he doesn't care. (The inscription on the plate: "Combustible gas".)

Keywords: Security | Women | Men

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