25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Categories: Celebrities | History | World

Today in our collection we have collected 25 rare historical photographs, which you can look at for a long time and with a sigh.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Romanov, Grand Duchesses of Russia, 1902.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

The PeelP50 car was created in England in 1962. It could accommodate one person, the PeelP50 could accelerate up to 64 km per hour.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Vladimir Vysotsky with friends on a picnic. Peredelkino, April-May 1975.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

A Soviet officer with the rank of major reads to the population the text of the surrender of the German army in Berlin, May 1945.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Dr. Evan O'Neill Kane performs hernia surgery, USA, 1932.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Public execution in France, 1939.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

An FBI agent hands over a case with a million dollars to the terrorists who hijacked a Delta Airlines plane on July 31, 1972.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

The pupils of kindergarten No. 21 in Tbilisi thank the caretaker Vano, who fell asleep drunk and burned a year's supply of semolina.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

May 17, 1919. The decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR declared the nationalization of church and monastery property.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Family photo at home - Arkady and Konstantin Raikin, late 1950s.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Jewish soldiers of the American 29th Infantry Division prepare for a religious service in the office of Joseph Goebbels, March 1945.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Gas station in Toronto, Canada, 1984. The inscription on the sign "We will not refuel Lada until the Soviet Union withdraws its troops" (from Afghanistan). 

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Mikhail Ulyanov and Yuri Yakovlev in the studio of Gosteleradio, late 1960s.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Muhammad Ali takes the winnings of 5.5 million dollars after the fight with Foreman in 1974.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Adolf Hitler in a beer bar, 1933.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

One of the heaviest people in the world Joe Rajo, 1931.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Boris Yeltsin leaves the Kremlin, 1999.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

A convoy of NATO fuel trucks ambushed by terrorists in Pakistan, August 22, 2011.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Nikola Tesla. The last known photo. On January 7, 1943, the scientist died in New York.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Leonid Brezhnev and Richard Nixon, 1974.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Albert Einstein, 1939.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Marilyn Monroe, 1946. In the photo she is 20 years old.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Fountain "Dancing children", Stalingrad, 1947.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Stalin's funeral, March 9, 1953.

25 unique historical frames that will take you back in time

Leonardo DiCaprio's childhood photo, 1976.

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