20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Categories: History | Nations | World

The St. Petersburg Kunstkamera contains photographs of representatives of hundreds of nationalities who lived in the Russian Empire. Here are just 20 of them.

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Russian peasant, Ryazan province, 1900 - 1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Belarusian peasants, Mogilev province, 1903

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Ukrainian peasant, Chernihiv province, 1900-1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

A Pole from the Privislinsky provinces (modern Poland), 1903

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Karelian peasant from Petrozavodsk (Olonets province, now the Republic of Karelia), 1900-1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Komi-zyryanin from Vologda province, 1906

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Armenian woman from Baku province (now Azerbaijan), 1883

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

A Georgian woman from Tiflis province (now Tbilisi, Georgia), the end of the XIX century

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Avar from Dagestan, 1883

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Kabardian from Kabarda (now the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria), the end of the XIX century

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Lackets from Dagestan, 1883

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Kalmykka from Astrakhan province, Con. XIX - beginning . XX centuries .

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Tatar from Kazan province (now the Republic of Tatarstan), 1880

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Bashkir from Ufa province (now the Republic of Bashkortostan), 1900-1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Ayn from Sakhalin Island, the end of the XIX century.

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Mansi from Perm province, 1908

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Itelmenka from Kamchatka, 1911

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Tofalarki from Irkutsk province, 1900-1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Tuvans from Uriankhai region (now the Republic of Tuva), 1900-1905

20 photos of representatives of different peoples of the Russian Empire

Evenki (Tungus) from the Trans-Baikal region, 1912

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