20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Categories: Children

Childhood is a world of joy, surprises and daily small victories. This time for most people was filled with a lot of events. And in those not so distant years, when there were no mobile phones, tablets, miniature music players and other super gadgets, we found adventures at every turn.

A trip to the beam behind the houses, a march to the bakery at school break, the last ticket to a movie at the cinema, a sparkling jet from a column near private houses and a delicious ice cream melting in your hands. Yes, you can't list everything! Let's just remember a little bit.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Let's race!

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

A photo in a photo studio is a big event.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

The dream of all girls and boys.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

All the boys wanted to be sailors, captains and cosmonauts.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

You could buy soda and juice from vending machines. Do you remember how they collected 3 kopecks each?

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

And they crossed the road in a friendly chain.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Hiking with a counselor to places of military glory.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Only the best students received a ticket to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

And what a delicious ice cream was!

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

And once babies were carried in such strollers.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Water from the well! Icy and crystal clear!

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Dress uniform: white aprons, ironed pioneer ties.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

A daily ritual. Call mom to work for 2 kopecks.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Snowy winters.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Launching boats. Who has the coolest one?

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

School performances are an opportunity to prove yourself ... and also to miss lessons because of rehearsals.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

All the guys in the yard are the best football players.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

The gate can be made in a minute. The main thing is to defend!

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Injections and vaccinations… A test of courage.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

A trip to the country is a whole adventure.

20 happy photos from Soviet childhood

Summer holidays! It couldn't be better!

Keywords: Childhood | USSR | Happiness

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